collaboration exam

  1. What are the reasons why collaborationis so neccessary in today's school
    • changes in authority structure-site based management
    • increased teacher responsibility for the profession
    • growing diversity of the student population
    • inclusion of students with disabilities
    • more complex forms of instruction
  2. what is the defintion of collaboration
    is a style for direct interaction between at least 2 co-equals parties voluntarily engaged in shared discussion making as they work toward a common goal.
  3. why is it important that collaboration be voluntary
    • motivates and willing participants
    • increased morale of the group
    • voluntary behavior is contagious
    • increased sense of self-efficacy and professional self-worth
    • ensures the problems will be speedily addressed
  4. what does parity mean
    each person's contribution is valued and each person has equal power in decision making
  5. why is parity important
    • each person must have at least one goal
    • shared responsbility
    • shared resources
    • shared accountability
  6. characteristics of collaboration
    • voluntary-motivates and willing participants
    • parity- each person makes a contribution
    • mutual goals-least have one goal
  7. What are the barriers to collaboration
    • school structure-preference toward working in isolation
    • teachers take charge of their own classroom
    • professional socialization- working alone is the role of the professional
    • you should handle your problems your self
    • pragmatic issues- time space matierials and expertise
  8. are collaboration and inclusion the same thing
  9. what does the term "collective wisdom' refer to
    is shared knowledge arrived at by individuals and groups, used to solve problems and conflicts
  10. What are the "Seven Partnership Principles"
    • 1.communication- be friendly, listen,be clear and be honest
    • 2.professional competence- continue to learn, provide an appropriate quality education, set high expectations
    • 3.respect- honor cultrual divesity, affirm the family' strengths, treat students and famlies with dignity
    • 4. commitment-be sensitive, be accessible, go above and beyond
    • 5. equality- share power with families, foster empowerment, provide options,
    • 6. advocacy- speaking out taking action, problem-oriented,identifies a problem, and ways to solve the problem.
    • reliable, use sound judgement,maintain confidentially,trust yourself
  11. What is positive illusions
    a theory helps explain how people adapt to threatening situation
  12. what is empathy
    to identify with another's feelings. It is to emotionally put yourself in the place of another.
  13. What is thd definition of trust
    having confidence in someone else's reliability, judgement, word and action to care for and not harm the entrusted person.
  14. where is trust in the archway
    in the center of respect and communication
  15. what are some things that a teacher can do to earn the trust of colleagues, parents, and families.
    • be reliable
    • use sound judgment
    • maintain confidentiality
    • trusty yourself
  16. why do parents sometimes distrust teachers
    because parents can't rely on the teachers good judgement and if their child is not physically and emotionaly safe.
  17. what is conditional trust
    people neither fully trust or fully distrust the other party
  18. how does culture impact trust.
    • low SES affects student achievemnt and teacher trust
    • teachers making the same as parents of students in the classroom
  19. what factors influence teachers' distrust of parents
    parents not interacting with the teacher such as parent teacher conferences
  20. What are attending skills
    • incline body toward the speaker
    • use open body position
    • maintain an appropriate distance from listener
    • eye contact
  21. what are the 4 elements of a door opener
    • a descrition of the other body language
    • an invitation to talk
    • silence
    • attending
  22. what are minimal encouragers
    • gestures like a nod,
    • thumbs up
    • eye contact
  23. why is it important sometimes to use "silence"
    if we listen sometime the person talking will solve his or her own problems
  24. what is paraphrasing
    using our own words to restate the person's message in a clear manner.
  25. why is it important to use paraphasing in communication
    • checking for accuracy
    • clarify the content
    • implicit and explict meaning of the conversation
  26. what is reflection of affect
    verbally mirroring back to the speacher, the emotions that he/she is communicating
  27. what is the reflection of meaning
    when feeling and fact are joined in one succinct response
  28. why use summarization techniques
    ties thing together like comments, feeling, and make the conversation more clearer
  29. be able to identify examples of roadblocks to communication
    • 1.judging-critcizing, name calling, diagnosing, prasing evaluatively,
    • 2.sending solutions-ordering,threatening, moralizing, excessive/inappropriate questions, advising
  30. be able to discuss some ways to improve your listening skills
    • vary your responses
    • don't tell the speaker you know how he/ she feels
    • focus on the feelings
    • develop vocal empathy
    • provide factual information
    • strive for concreteness and relevance
    • responding with a touch
  31. know the steps of the problem solving process
    • 1 identify the problem
    • 2 brainstorming
    • 3 evaluate the ideas
    • 4 select intervention
    • 5 implement
    • 6 evaluate the progress
  32. know how to build rapport with colleagues/families/parents before problem-solving becomes necessay.
    • establish trust
    • gain acceptance
    • play nice with colleagues
  33. what is the most important step of the problem solving process and why
    identify the problem everything that follows proceeds directly from how the problem is defined if the problem is not defined will this will likely result in matching less appropriate intervention to a poorly defined problem
  34. what is a hidden agenda
    sometimes the stated problem is not really the problem
  35. why is a hidden agenda important to know
    because the real problem may not ever be identified and the wrong itervention maybe implemented
  36. what is brainstorming
    coming up with idea or procedures that may be used to solve the problem
  37. what are some differnt ways to brainstorm
    • plan ahead send out a statement
    • writing it down have each person write ideas on a index cards
    • add an idea have each person write an idea down the pass it to the left or right
  38. why is brainstorming important
    brings out as much relevant information as possible in defining the problem
  39. what are the 'do's and don't's" of brainstorming
    • do's don't
    • 1.set time limits 1. don't judge
    • 2.encourage full participation 2.don't criticize
    • 3.generate lots of ideas 3.that will never work
    • 4. piggyback ideas onto other ideas 4. great idea but won't work for us
    • 5. quantity is wanted over quality 5.if it ain't broke
    • 6 assign a facilitatoir and recorder are too young to know
    • 7.write down all responses 7.we have always done this way
  40. who is involved in co-teaching
    gen ed and special ed teachers
  41. what are the different ways to do co-teaching
    • teach one observes this means one teaches the lesson the other observes the misbehavior of a student
    • teach one drifts one teachers teaches the lesson and the other teacher drifts around the room to make sure all students are on task and not misbehaving
    • 3.station teaching the room and students are divided in half and one teaches a lesson and the other teacher may do activity that goes along with the lesson
    • 4. parallel teaching is both teacher teaching at the same time in front of the class
    • 5. alternative teaching a teacher is teaching a lesson while the other one is teaching same lesson but with a alternate approach
    • 6. supplemental teaching is a teaching a part of the lesson not the full lesson
    • 7 team teaching stand in front and both equal
  42. what is the role of general teacher
    • schedule joint planning
    • share lesson plans, materials,strategies
    • share students
    • teach even when a other adult is present
    • be flexible
    • allow the sp ed to participate in the lesson
    • be open to new suggestions
  43. what is the role of special educaiton teacher
    • learn the rules of each gen ed classroom in which they work
    • provide instruction to the whole class
    • reinforce lectures by taking notes on the board or overhead
    • teach learning strategies
    • teach study/organization skill
    • modify asssignments and materials
    • audiotape texts or tests
    • observe a student or class
    • provide instruction for half the class
    • conduct study review sessions for all students
    • read assignments/test orally to students
  44. what are the barries of co-teaching
    • attitudial attitude
    • structural time and space
    • competency
  45. what is the rationale for using co-teaching
    the longer students with special needs are excluded from typical peers, the further behind they become both socially and academically having access to more than one teacher is beneficialfor all students
  46. what skill does the gen ed teacher bring to the table
    • be actively engaged
    • be an equal teacher in the classroom
    • partictipate in planning
    • be responsible for discipline and classroom mgt
    • provied instruction
    • evaluate students work
    • be at parents teacher conferences
    • attend IEP conferences
    • share responsbility for students
    • blend instrustional roles
  47. what does the special teacher bring to the table
    • attends IEP meeting
    • attends parent teacher conferences
    • share responsbility for students
    • evaluate students work
    • blend instructional roles
    • be equal
    • be actively engaged
    • participate in planning
    • be responisble for discipline and classroom mgt
Card Set
collaboration exam
key terms