Exam 2

  1. Components of A well made play (in Order)
    • Exposition
    • Conflict
    • Rising Action
    • Climax
    • Falling action
  2. Formal Characteristics of a Well Made Play
    • Surprise
    • Suspense
    • Denouement
    • Careful Exposition
    • Climax
  3. Developments That lead to the Rise of Realism in the 19th century (two for each
    • Transportation
    • Train, Steam engine, Combustion engine
    • Communication
    • Telephone, Telegraph, Phonograph
    • Social Science
    • Psychology, Sociology
    • Science
    • Origin of Species, Light Bulb, Sky Scraper
  4. Victorian Middle class (3)
    • Spheres of life
    • Private-Women
    • Public-Men
    • Large economy
    • -could purchase goods
    • Lots of Privacy
  5. 4 Domestic Ideals (Angle of the House)
    • Piety
    • Submissiveness
    • Domestic
    • Purity
  6. Women Didn’t have Rights
    • Land
    • Money
    • Contracts
    • Children
  7. Laws Nora Broke
    • Forged her Father’s signature
    • Acquired a contract
  8. Dramatic Action of Laura, and symbolization
    • She Leaves/Slamming the door
    • Family isn’t perfect/she isn’t happy
  9. Small Community Theaters
    • Little theatre Movement
    • 1900-1920
  10. Eugine O’Neill
    • The Hairy Ape
    • Desire Under the Elms
    • A long Days Journey Into Night
  11. Russian Actors who Influenced the Group Theatre
    • Richard Boleslovsky
    • Maria Oospenkaya
  12. 4 Principles of Rogers and Hammerstein Productions
    • Song and dance is servant to the play
    • Artistic integrity
    • Product of sincerity
    • Professional union
  13. 5 Plays by TW
    • Street Car named Desire
    • The GLass Menagerie
    • Cat on a hot tin Roof
    • Night of the Iguanas
    • Battle of Angles
  14. 3 Elements of Theatrical Realism
    • Fantastic Sets
    • Highly Poetic Diction
    • Relatively realistic style
  15. Original “Amanda” on Broadway
    Laurette Taylor
  16. Designer who realized Theatrical Realism sets
    Jo Mielziner
  17. Laura Wingfield's crippling childhood illness
  18. Elements of a Modern Tragic hero
    • Average Joe
    • More than 1 tragic flaw
    • No Catharsis
    • Anti-hero
  19. Founders of the Group Theatre
    • Harold Clurman
    • Cheryl Crawford
    • Lee Strosberg
  20. Group Theatre
  21. Metaphors of The Glass Menagerie
    • Fire escape
    • GlassUnicorn
    • Portrait
    • Dance hall
    • Jim
    • Candles/flame
Card Set
Exam 2
Elements of theatre exam