Spanish 3.1

  1. ... ha cambiado mucho.
    ... has changed a lot.
  2. ... ha empeorado bastante.
    ... has gotten quite a bit worse.
  3. el ayuntamiento
    town hall
  4. el basurero
    trash can
  5. la calidad del aire
    air quality
  6. crecer (zc)
    to grow
  7. la fábrica
  8. mejorar
    to improve
  9. sembrar (ie)
    to plant
  10. Creo que vale la pena...
    I think it's worth it...
  11. Es cierto que...
    It's true that...
  12. Lo que es importante es...
    What's important is...
  13. Lo que noto es que...
    What I notice is that...
  14. Me imagino que...
    I imagine that...
  15. Me parece que...
    It seems to me that...
  16. pero por otro lado...
    but on the other hand...
  17. Se me have que...
    It seems to me...
  18. Ten en cuenta que...
    Keep in mind that...
Card Set
Spanish 3.1
Spanish 3.1