ACCT 315 CH 41

  1. Civil rights act of '64 Title 7: prohibits discrination based on
    • race
    • color
    • national origin
    • sex
    • religion
  2. Disparate Treatment
    • Intentional discrimination by employer to someone of a protected class
    • must prove member of protected class
  3. Disparate Impact
    practices or procedures, not intentionally discrimanatory, but have adverse effect on protected class
  4. employers are required to _______ accomodated employees beliefs / religion

    • unless causes undo hardship
    • doesn't have to be any religion/ sect/ church as long as emploee believes it
  5. when can you discriminate against someones gender?
    when employer ccan prove gender is essential to the job

    (male underwear model, must be male)
  6. constructive discharge
    • working conditions intolerable
    • employee leaves voluntarily
  7. Two types of Sexual Harassment under Title 7
    • Quid Pro Quo
    • hostile environment harassment
  8. Title VII prohibits both _______ and ________ discrimination
    • intentional
    • unintentional
  9. Quid Pro Quo
    • demands for sexual favors in exchange for soem workplace benefit
    • must have "tangible employment action"
  10. Hostile Work Environment
    • any language or conduct that is sexually harassing.
    • with intimidation that it alters condition of victims employment
  11. needed to claim hostile work environment
    conduct must be so offensive to a reasonable person AS WELL as the victim. Must be severe and persuasive
  12. When is company responsible for harrassment
    • when its by supervisors
    • or if it was noted by supervisor and they failed to do anything
    • or if employers failed to protect you from non employees
  13. Remedies Under title VII
    • reinstated
    • backpay
    • retroactive promotions
    • damages
  14. discrimination based on age
    only for people 40 or over
  15. federal law for people 40 years of age and older
  16. are state employees covered by ADEA
  17. are federal employees covered by ADEA
  18. Americans with Disabilities Act: employee must be ________ for employment

    dont have to higher just cause they're disabled
  19. when providing reasonable accomodations for disabled employees, reasonable accomodations ends at:
    when it becomes an undue hardship
  20. Companies must follow ADA only if they have _____ or more employees
  21. 4 basic defenses for companies
    • business necessity
    • bona fide occupational qualification defense
    • ----particular skill is necessary
    • seniority system defense
    • ----job benefits for length of time someone has been employed
    • after-acquired evidence
    • ----evidence of misconduct after YOU discriminated... (find employee was stealing)
  22. are private employers required to use affirmative action??
Card Set
ACCT 315 CH 41
civil rights act