learning speech sounds
rules govening the structure and sequence of speech sounds
the way underlying concepts are expressed in words and word combination
- dissecting the speech stream
- stressed phonemes
knowing how to seperate sounds such as :
Pretty= pret-ty
Consists of syntax and morphology
rules by which words are arranged into sentences
mlu= mean length utterance
when studying language, how many meaning units someone produces when they say something
individual meaning units
the use of grammatical markers indicating number, tense, case, person, gender, active or passive voice
rules for engaging in appropriate and effective communication
Language acquisition device
a system that permits children to combine words into grammatically consistent novel utterances and to understand the meaning of the sentences they hear.
Broca's Area
supports grammatical processing and language production
located in the frontal lobe
Wernicke's area
plays a role in comprehending word meaning
located in the left temporal lobe
individual speech sounds
the smallest sound units that signal a change in meaning
constant like sounds
joint attention
the child attends to the same object or event as the caregiver
the baby points to, touches, or holds up an object while looking at others to make sure they notice
the baby gets another person to do something by reaching, pointing, and making sounds at the same time.
Describe the role parent-child relationship plays in language development
Caregivers who respond sensitively and involve infants in dialogue-like exchanges encourage early language progress. However, in some cultures this does not happen and children acquire language at the same time frame. Early in the second year, adults labeling child gesturual communication helps chlidren learn to use languge early.
children can connect a new word with an underlying concept after only a brief encounter
Referential Style
Children's vocabularies consist mainly of words that refer to objects
Expressive Style
children produce many more social formulas and pronouns such as thank you and "done"
Apply words to narrowly.
applying a word to a broader collection of objects and events than is appropriate
Syntactic Bootstrapping
Children's discover many word meanings by observing how words are used in syntax or the structure of sentences
Telegraphic Speech
focusing on high content words and omit smaller less important ones
Applying a regular morphological rule but extending it to words that are exceptions such as saying "my toy breaked" or " i have two foots"
Semantic bootstrapping
group words with agent qualities (things that cause actions) and words with action qualities (verbs)
Metalinguistic awareness
the ability to think about language as a system
Code switching
bilingual children often produce an utterance in one language that contains one or more guest words from the other