chapter 4

  1. What are reflexes
    unlearned inborn automatic responses to a particular form of stimulation
  2. What is neotony
    • characteristics that elicit care (body head proportions)
    • cause reflexes from others
  3. Regular; NREM sleep
    infant is at full rest and shows little or no body activity. Eyelids are closed , no eye movements occur, the face is relaxed, and breathing is slow and regular
  4. Irregular, REM sleep
    Gentle limb movements, occasional stirring. Although eyelids are closed there is rapid eye movements . breathing is irregular
  5. Drowsiness
    infant is either falling asleep or waking up. The eyes are open and closed .
  6. Quiet Alertness
    The infants body is relatively inactive , with eyes open and attentive . breathing is even
  7. Waking activity
    frequent bursts of uncoordinated body activity. breathing is irregular. crying may occur
  8. Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale
    evaluates the baby's reflexes , muscle tone, state changes, responsiveness to physical and social stimuli, an other reactions.
  9. What is Habituation
    a gradual reduction in the strength of a response due to repetitive stimulation
  10. Prereaching
    Uncoordinated swipes toward an object
  11. Ulnar Grasp
    a clumsy motion in which the baby's fingers close agains the palm; replaces the infants grasp reflex
  12. Pincer Grasp
    Infants use thumb and index finger in a well coordinated way
  13. Affordances
    opportunities for actions
  14. Perception
    detecting and organizing sensory information
  15. Sense
    system that translates information into neural activity
  16. transduction
    process that converts information into neural activity
  17. amplitude
    intensity of the wave , loudness
  18. wavelength
    length of sound wave
  19. frequency
    • number of waves per second
    • pitch
    • mariah carey vs. barry white
  20. olfaction
    detecting airborne chemicals ( smell)
  21. gustation
    chemical sense
  22. Cue validities
    the degree to which a feature makes it likely that the thing is an exemplar depends on the frequency with which that feature accompanies a concept and the infrequency with which that feature does not accompany other concepts.
  23. meta-cognition
    • thinking about thinking
    • knowledge of mental states ( intent, desire, belief, deception, thinking, knowing, pretending)
  24. false beliefs
    knowledge that others hold inaccurate beliefs
  25. theory theory
    analogy of scientific theory in which children continually test and revise their working theories
  26. Modularity theory
    module for understanding agency and the corresponding mental states of others
  27. simulation theory
    children use their mental states to infer the mental states of others by role-taking
  28. belief
    representation of the world
  29. intentionality
    mental states underlie human action
  30. desire
    human action motivated by psychologcal states
  31. deception
    knowingly providing false information
Card Set
chapter 4
Test 2