Texas Waterfoul

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    American Wigeon - Female (note speckled head)
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    American Wigeon - Male (note green eye patche on speckled head & white "bald patch" on head
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    Blue Winged Teal (note crescents on male's face) blue on opened wing, but green speculum. Female is mottled brown overall like Cinnamon teal female but plumage is duller
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    bufflehead female (gray overall with oblong white patch behind eye)
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    bufflehead male
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    Green winged teal - female. (green speculum) Smaller bill than other female teals and a pale belly
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    Canvasback female. Forehead slopes to a long black bill
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    Canvasback male (white back) Forehead slopes to a long black bill
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    • Cinnamon teal (male & female)
    • Female is mottled brown overall like Blue winged teal female but plumage is a richer brown
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    Goldeneye female (Choculate head with 'golden eye', gray body)
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    Goldeneye (Common) male Compare to Hooded Merganser
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    Gadwall female (note white speculum) female brownish, Male subdued gray,
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    Gadwall male (white speculum doesn't show here) Male subdued gray, female brownis
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    Green winged teal - male
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    Greater White Fronted Goose (2+ feet
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    • Ross’s Geese (white & blue morph) 2 feet
    • In back right: Snow goose, which also in blue morph as well as white (2 1/2 feet)
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    Hooded Merganser female (similar head shape to male with crest lowered - same short bill)
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    Hooded Merganser male (hood lowered)
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    Hooded Merganser male (hood raised)
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    Scaup female - brown through out with bold white area encircling the bill.
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    Scaup male (black on the ends, white in the middle) Head shape differs between Greater & Lesser
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    Juvenile or eclipse male Mallard. Mallard female is similar but bill is orange with a broad black patch in the middle
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    Mallard male
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    Mottled Duck (sexes alike) Differs from female Mallard by darker plumage, lack of white in tail and no black on bill
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    Pintail (Male has "pin tail", longer neck, hocolate head with white line & white breast. Female is mottled warm brown with dark bill. Tail is shorter but slightly pointed
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    Red Brested Merganser female (note bill, shaggy head)
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    Red Brested Merganser male (note bill, shaggy head)
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    Redhead female. Bill is shorter than Canvasback and paler with a black nail preceeded by a faint white ring
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    Redhead male (gray back vs. Canvasback's white back) Bill is shorter than Canvasback and paler with a black nail preceeded by a faint white ring
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    Ring Necked Duck female (note white ring on bill)
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    Ring Necked Duck male (note white ring on bill)
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    Ruddy Duck female (note bill & shape) Male in winter looks similar but with his white checks
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    Ruddy Duck male (breeding plumage) blue bill, stiff tail, big white check. In winter, black gray & white but with same white checks
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    Shoveler female (note shoveler shaped bill - also bill only orange tinged)
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    Shoveler male
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    Wood Ducks
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    Common Loon (Breeding plumage)
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    Common Loon (winter plumage)
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Texas Waterfoul
Waterfoul found in Texas