Cognition & Emotions

  1. When asking yourself how similar one event is of a class of events (if the course you might want to take is similar to classes you have already taken).
    Representativeness heuristic
  2. Judging the likelihood that an event will happen in terms of how readily you can bring an instance of it to mind.
    Ability heuristic
  3. Stage babies enter at 4 to 6 months of age where they appear to practice the sound used in their langauage and sounds not used begin to disappear.
    Babbling stage
  4. Saying the name of an object while reaching toward it expecting to be given the object is an example of...
    Telegraphic speech
  5. Type of memory where previous experiences aid in the performance of a task without conscious awareness of the experiences.
    Implicit or procedural memory
  6. Type of memory involving being aware of what you know.
    Explicit or declarative memory
  7. A brief photographic memory of an image.
    Iconic memory
  8. A brief memory of an auditory stimulus.
    Echoic memory
  9. A vivid memory of an emotionally chagred event.
    Flashbulb memory
  10. Believed that arousal and emotion occur simultaneously.
    Cannon-Bard theory
  11. Believed that one must be aware of his/her physiological arousas, which then causes the them to feel an emotion.
    James-Lange theory
  12. Believes the quality (type/name) of an emotional experience depends on how we label the arousal.
    Two-factor theory (By Schacter)
  13. In part, happiness depends on doing better than we think others are doing.
    Relative-deprivation principle
  14. A reduction in happiness as one habituates to some consistent level of wealth (or some other desirable stimulus). ie. a raise seems exciting till you get used to it, then it is the norm again.
    Adaptation-level phenomenon
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Cognition & Emotions
Cognition and theories of emotion