Certification Exam Prep

  1. The heart is located
    Between the lungs
  2. The serous inner membrane lining of the heart is the
  3. The primary purpost of the heart valves is to
    prevent the backward flow of blood
  4. When listening to the heart with a stethoscope, the sound heard is actually the
    closing of the heart valves
  5. The SA node, located in the right atrium of the heart, is known as the
    pacemaker of the heart & the sinoatrial node
  6. The SA note is located in or on the
    right atrium
  7. The "little spark" that begins or starts the heartbeat originates in the
    SA node
  8. The correct order of stimulation in the electrical conduction system of the heart is
    SA node, AV node, bundle of HIS, bundle of branches, Purkinje network
  9. The portion of the EKG that relates to ventricular depolarization is the
    QRS complex
  10. The contraction and relaxation of both atria and ventricles equal
    one cardiac cycle
  11. The electrical state of the heart in which the cardiac cells are in a state of resting is
    polarization & negatively charged
  12. When the cardiac cells are discharging a positively charged electrical impulse, whic creates a contraction, they are said to be in a state of
  13. What wave on an EKG reflects the repolarization of the ventricles?
    T wave
  14. An electrocardiogram is a
    recording of the voltage with respect to time
  15. An electrocardiogram is also referred to as an
    ECG & EKG
  16. Another name for an electrode is a
  17. Normally, a completer ECG/EKG constists of how many sensors and how many leads?
    10, 12
  18. The type of EKG sensors that appear to be small suction cups are called
    Welch electrodes
  19. The only cardiac sensor that is NOT actually used in the recording of an EKG is the
  20. A lead is
    One negative, one positive, and one ground
  21. Remembering all the EKG leads and sensors can be facilitated by visualizing the
    Einthoven's triangle
  22. The landmarks for the chest leads for an EKG are the sternum, both clavicles, the left exilla, and the
    4th intercostal space
  23. The time markers printed on all EKG paper are referred to as
    3 second markers
  24. The small squares on EKG paper are
    1mm square and represent 0.1 mv of voltage
  25. To use the EKG to estimate heart rate, you would
    use the six second method, beginning at a 3 second marker and go to the right for 2 additional markers, then count the # of QRS complexes between the first and third markers
  26. A normal P wave is how many squares/blocks on the EKG paper?
  27. The paper on an EKG machine, as part of an international standard, moves at the rate of
    25mm per second
  28. When performing an EKG, if the baseline begins to drift to such a degree that it exceeds the parameters of the the graph
    reduce the sensitivity from 1 to 1/2
  29. A deflection on an EKG tracing caused by electrical activity other than from the heart is known as an
  30. The degree of variation from zero, up or down, in recording the electrical output of the heart is known as the
  31. during an EKG, a tense muscle or a muscular contraction may produce an artifact called a
    somatic tremor
  32. An artifact in leads, 1,2, and AVR would cause you to recheck the sensors attached to which body part?
    right arm
  33. A standard limb lead monitors voltage from
    two of the following - RA, LA, LL
  34. Lead V1 of the precordial chest leads is placed at the
    4th intercostal space just to the right of the sternum
  35. Lead 1 of the limb leads measures electrical activity from the
    right arm to left arm (RA to LA)
  36. The marking codes used on the older models of EKG machines indicated lead III as
  37. When performing an EKG, on a patient with a right lower leg cast, the leg sensors are
    on both upper legs
  38. A majority of patients who have had a heart attack have an EKG tracing that exhibits
  39. An elecated T wave may be present on a patiens's EKG when the patient
    has an elecated serum potassium
  40. One of the dangers of performing a stress test in the medical office id the risk of a
    heart attack
  41. A device used to record cardiac activity while the patient is ambulatory for at least 24 hours is called a
    Holter monitor
  42. The test performed to evaluate lung volume and capacity in a patient is called
    pulmonary funtion test
  43. What part of the brain controls body temperature?
  44. The part of the brain that controls respiratory, cardiac, and vasomotor functions is the
    medulla oblongata
  45. True or false - infants and children normally have a lower body temp than adults
  46. What are the normal temps for Oral, rectal, axillary, & aural
    • Oral=98.6F/37C
    • Rectal = 99.6F/37.6C
    • Axillary = 97.6/36.4C
    • Aural = 98.6F / 37C
  47. True or false - The acillary mehod has proven to be the mose accurate method for temperature measurement
  48. A temp of 101 degrees F is equal to how many degrees C
  49. A temp of 37 degrees C is equal to how many degrees F
  50. When reading a mercury thermometer, each short line represents
    2/10 of a degree
  51. When taking a rectal remp on a pediatric patient, insert the thermometer into the anal canal approximately
    1/2 to 1"
  52. An accurate axillary temp reisters approx how many degrees lower than a rectal temp?
    1 degree
  53. The average normal rectal temp is
    99.6 F
  54. The gradual drop of a fever is termed
  55. True or false - When taking a aural temp on a pediatric patient, the MA must not pull the childs ear in any direction
  56. True or false - keep a glass/merc thermometer in place orally for at least 3 min, an Axilla for at least 10 min, and rectal for 5 min
  57. True or false - as age increases, pulse rate increses
  58. A child less than 1 yr old may have a pulse rate that ranges between
    120 & 160
  59. The force or strength of the pulse is commonly referred to as the
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Certification Exam Prep
Certification Exam Prep - Mod D, E