pulp is formed from the _______ _________ of the dental papilla, which came from the __________ MESODERM
central cells
why is the pulp involved in the formation of dentin?
because the ondontoblasts live in the outer layer of the pulp
the pulp has a sensory function because the nerve _______ _______ are located in the ______ layer of the pulp
cell bodies
the pulp is the nutritional function for the dentin through the _________
what is the pulps protective function?
secondary is formed from the ondontoblasts in the outer layer of the pulp
what are the five anatomy parts of the pulp?
pulp chamber
coronal pulp/horns
radicular pulp
apical foramen
accessory canals
the mass of the pulp in the middle, follows the sape of the tooth
pulp chamber
the pulp in the crown area
coronal pulp
smaller extensions of the coronal pulp into the crown are:
pulp horns
the pulp in the root areas. it has an opening through the dentin and cementum, out to the surrounding periodontal ligament
radicular pulp
the opening of the pulp into the periodontal ligament, usually at the very apex of the tooth. allows arteries, veins, ________ and nerves to enter the tooth
apical foramen
extra opening from the pulp to the periodontal ligament
accessory canals
accessory canals usually run _________ to the root of the tooth
accessory canals occured because:
HERS ran into a blood vessel while it was forming so it just formed a little canal around the vessel.
do endodontists like accessory canals?
not bloody likely!
pulp is a ________ tissue, so ti is mainly full of _________
the pulp also has ondontoblasts and ______ _______ cells
white blood
what contains collagen fibers and an extensive vascular supply?
the pulp striggity!
these may be present in the pulp. calcified masses of dentin inside the pulp chamber
pulp stones
these only cause problems during endodontic therapy:
the dang calcified dentin, pulp stones
inflammation of the pulp
pulpitis may be caused by _________ caries, ________ preparation, or traumatic injury
extensive caries (MOST COMMON!)
a channel that forms in the bone or soft tissue to rain infection
does a fistula hurt?
no, it is draining so there is no pressure
pressure from pulpitis can be relieved by _______ and drainage or a ________
inflammation of the pulp can exit through the ________ ________ and cause an _______
apical foramen
what must be done to save a tooth with pulpitis?
our good friend root canal
T/F without the pulp, the tooth becomes brittle and more prone to breakage
true true!
T/F drilling can cause trauma to a tooth and result in a root canal
gutta percha is from:
a gutta percha tree (rubber) the body accepts it
what needs to be done after a root canal for the long term success of a tooth?
your tooth gets to be a queen and wear a crown!
do anterior teeth always need to be crowned after a root canal?
not always, more for aesthetic purposes, tooth will darken