BIOLOGY Human Heredity 2

  1. What does a homozygous gene look like?
    • Two capital letters or two lower case letters.
    • Ex: GG or gg
  2. What does a heterozygous gene pair look like?
    • One capital letter and one lower case letter.
    • Ex: Jj
  3. What does a dominant gene pair look like?
    • One capital letter and one lower case letter or two capital letters.
    • Ex: Uu or UU
  4. What does a recessive gene pair look like?
    • Two lower case letters.
    • Ex: pp
  5. What is a gene mutation?
    Any chemical change that affects the DNA molecule
  6. What is a chromosomal mutation?
    A change that occurs in the number or structure of a chromosome
  7. What is inversion?
    • A chromosomal mutation where a part of a chromosome becomes oriented in the reverse of its usual direction (mostly harmless)
  8. What is duplication?
    • A chromosomal mutation where a segment of chromosome is repeated
  9. What is deletion?
    • A chromosomal mutation where part of the chromosome is lost
  10. What is translocation?
    • A chromosomal mutation where part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to another nonhomologous chromosome
  11. What is nondisjuction, and what is one example in humans?
    • A chromosomal mutation where there is a failure of homologous chromosomes to separate normally during meiosis
    • An example is Down Syndrome where there is a nondisjunction of chromosome 21, causing the embryo to have 3 21's instead of 2
  12. What is a polyploidy, and what is an example in humans?
    • A chromosomal mutation where an organism has extra sets of chromosomes
    • An example is Klinefelter's Syndrome where there is an extra set of sex chromosomes and the embryo is XXY
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BIOLOGY Human Heredity 2
human heredity