Med Surg

  1. asterixis
    involuntary flapping movements of the hands associated with metabolic liver dysfunction
  2. balloon tamponade
    use of balloons placed within the esophagus and proximal portion of the stomach and inflated to compress bleeding vessels (esophageal and gastric varices)
  3. Budd-Chiari Syndrome
    hepatic vein thrombosis resulting in non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
  4. cirrhosis
    a chronic liver disease characterizedby fibrotic changes and the formation of dense connective tissue within the liver, subsequent degenerative changes, and loss of functioning cells
  5. constructional apraxia
    inability to draw figuresin two or three dimensions
  6. fector hepaticus
    sweet, slightly fecal odor to the breath, presumed to be of intestinal origin; prevalent with the extensive collateral portal circulation in chronic liver disease
  7. fulminanr hepatic failure
    sudden, severe onset of acute liver failure that occurs within 8 weeks after the first symptoms of jaundice
  8. hepatic encephalopathy
    CNS dysfunction resulting from liver disease; frequently associated with elevated ammonia levela that produce changes in mental status, altered level of conciousness and coma
  9. orthoropic liver transplantation (OLT)
    grafting of a donor liver to normal anatomic location, with removal of the disease native liver
  10. portal hypertension
    elevated pressure in the portal circulation resulting from obstruction of venous flow into and through the liver
  11. sclerotherapy
    the injection of substances into or around esophagogastric varies to cause constriction, thickening, and hardening of the vessel and thus to stop bleeding
  12. variceal banding
    procedure that involves the endoscopic placement of a rubber band-like device over esophageal varices to ligate the area and stop bleeding
  13. xenograft
    transplantation of organ from one species to another
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Med Surg
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