Psychology Chapter 10-11

  1. motivation
    The force that moves people to behave, think and feel the way that they do.
  2. Homeostatis
    The body's tendency to maintain an equilibrium or steady state.
  3. Drive
    An aroused state that occurs because of a physiological need
  4. Need
    A deprivation that energies the drive to eliminate or reduce the deprivation
  5. Cholecystokinin
    The hormone that helps start the digestion of food
  6. Glucose
    Blood sugar
  7. Insulin
    Causes excess sugar in the blood to be stored in cells as fats and carbs. Cause hunger.
  8. Leptin
    A protein that is released by fat cells, decreases food intake and energy expenditure
  9. Set point
    The weight maintained when no effort is made to gain or lose weight
  10. Androgens
    The class of hormones that predominate in males;they are produced by the testes in males and by the adrenal glands in both males and females
  11. Estrogens
    The main class of female sex hormones, produced principally by the ovaries.
  12. Self-determination theory
    A theory of motivation that proposes that three basic organismic needs (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) characterize intrinsic motivation
  13. James-Lange theory
    Theory stating that emotion results for physiological states triggered by stimuli in the environment
  14. Cannon-Bard theory
    Theory stating that emotion and physiological reaction occur simultaneously
  15. Id
    Always seeks pleasure
  16. Ego
    Reality principle, brings pleasure within norms of society
  17. Superego
    Harshly judges morality of behavior
  18. Defense mechanisms
    The ego's protective methods for anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
  19. Repression
    The ego pushes unacceptable impulses out of awareness, back into the unconscious mind.
  20. Rationalization
    The ego replaces a less acceptable motive with a more acceptable one
  21. Displacement
    The ego shifts feelings toward and unacceptable behavior to another, more acceptable object
  22. Sublimation
    The ego replaces an unacceptable impulse with a socially acceptable one
  23. Projection
    The ego attributes personal shortcomings, problems, and faults to others
  24. Reaction formation
    The ego transforms an unacceptable motive into its opposite
  25. Denial
    The ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety-production realities
  26. Regression
    The ego seeks the security of an earlier developmental period in the face of stress
  27. Humanistic perspective
    Views of personality that stress the person's capacity for personal growth, freedom to choose a destiny, and positive qualities
  28. Psychodymanic theory
    Views of personality as primarily unconscious and as developing in stages. Most psychoanalytic perspective emphasize that early experiences with parents play a role in sculpting personality
  29. Type A behavior pattern
    A cluster of characteristics such as being excessively competitive, hard-driven, impatient, and hostile-related to the incident of heart disease
  30. Type B behavior patterns
    A cluster of characteristics such as being relaxed and easy going-related to good health
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Psychology Chapter 10-11
Psych 10-11