BIOLOGY Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis 2

  1. What are the parts of an RNA nucleotide?
    • 1. A 5-carbon ribose sugar
    • 2. A phosphate group
    • 3. Nitrogenous bases

  2. What are the differences between DNA and RNA?
    • 1. DNA has deoxyribose sugar, RNA has ribose sugar
    • 2. DNA has Thymine to pair with Adenine, RNA has Uracil to pair with Adenine
    • 3. DNA is double stranded, RNA is single stranded
    • 4. DNA is only found in the nucleus, RNA is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm
  3. What is the job of tRNA?
    • Transfer RNA reads the sequence of amino acids from mRNA and brings over the appropriate amino acid to the ribosome to link them together to form a protein. (Translation)
  4. What is the job of mRNA?
    Messenger RNA carries the directions from DNA out to the ribosomes so proteins can be made. (Transcription)

  5. What is the job of rRNA?
    • Ribosomal RNA is a part of the ribosome where translation occurs.
  6. How do the bases in RNA relate to those in DNA?
    • When RNA is paring with DNA:
    • 1. Adenine pairs with Thymine
    • 2. Uracil pairs with Adenine
    • 3. Cytosine pairs with Guanine
    • 4. Guanine pairs with Cytosine
  7. What are the roles of DNA and RNA in transcription?
    • A DNA molecule is copied onto a strand of mRNA, and then it carries the directions from DNA out to the ribosomes so proteins can be made.
  8. What are the roles of DNA and RNA in translation?
    • The tRNA starts reading mRNA at the AUG codon, and continues reading mRNA, bringing over the appropriate amino acids and linking them together to form a protein until a stop codon is reached. The protein is then shipped to where it needs to be utilized.
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BIOLOGY Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis 2
nucleic acids and protein synthesis