BIOLOGY The Science of Life

  1. What are the steps of the scientific method?
    • 1. Observe something of interest and state the problem
    • 2. Gather information and form a hypothesis
    • 3. Conduct the experiment to test the hypothesis
    • 4. Record and Analyze data
    • 5. Form conclusions
    • 6. Repeat the experiment
  2. What is a variable?
    • A factor being tested
    • -Only test one variable at a time
  3. What is a control group?
    The group of subjects that do not recieve the variable
  4. What is an experimental group?
    The group of subjects that do recieve the variable
  5. What are controls?
    The factors kept the sme in both the control and experimental group to ensure only one variable is tested
  6. What is a sample size?
    The number of test subjects used in an experiment; Use as many subjects as possible (at least 50)
  7. Why is a large sample size important?
    Because this leads to more reliable results
  8. What are units?
    Expressions of measurement (grams, mm, cm, etc.)
  9. What are the differences between light microscopes and electron microscopes?
    • 1. Light microscopes use light to see images, electron microscopes use a beam of electrons
    • 2. You can view live specimens with a light microscope, but the specimens have to be dead when viewing with an electron microscope
    • 3. Electron microscopes have a higher resolution quality than light microscopes
  10. What is magnification?
    The amount of enlargement of an image under a microscope
  11. What is resolution?
    The clarity of an image under a micoscope
  12. What is the limit of resolution?
    A point where objects get blurry and detail is lost
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BIOLOGY The Science of Life
the science of life