Present Active Indicative
- -o, -m; -mus
- -s; -tis
- -t; -nt
Present Active Imperative
--; -te
debeo, debere, debui, debitum
amo, amare, amavi, amatum
to love, like
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum
- to think, ponder, consider, plan
- [cognate]
erro, errare, erravi, erratum
- to wander, err, go astray, make a mistake
- [error, erratic]
servo, servare, servavi, servatum
- to preserve, save, guard, keep
- [preserve]
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatum
- to conserve, maintain, preserve
- [conservation]
valeo, valere, valui, visum
- to be strong, have power, be well
- [prevail]
- (noun)- nothing
- [annihilate]
moneo, monere, monui, monitum
- to remind, advise, warn
- [monitor]
salveo, salvere
- to be well, in good health
- [salvation]
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum
to praise
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum
- to frighten, terrify
- [terror]
video, videre, vidi, visum
- to see, observe, understand
- [review]
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum
- to call, summon
- [vocation]
First Declension
- -a; -ae
- -ae; -arum
- -ae; -is
- -am; -as
- -a; -is
- -a; -ae
1st Decl= Feminine
fama, famae
- (f)- rumor, report, fame, reputation
- [famous]
forma, formae
- (f)- form, shape, beauty
- [format]
fortuna, fortunae
- (f)- fortune, luck
- [fortunate]
patria, patriae
- (f)- fatherland, native land, (one's) country
- [expatriate]
pecunia, pecuniae
(f)- money
philosophia, -ae
- (f)- love of wisdom
- [philosophy]
poena, -ae
- (f)- penalty, punishment
- [penalize]
poenas dare
(idiom)- to pay the penalty
porta, -ae
- (f)- gate, entrance
- [portal, porch]
sententia, -ae
- (f)- thought, opinion, feeling, vote
- [sentence]
vita, -ae
- (f)- life, mode of life
- [vitals]
antiqua, -ae
- (adj)- ancient
- [antique, antiquities]
magna, -ae
- (adj)- large, great, important
- [magnificient]
multa, -ae
- (adj)- much, many
- [mulitude]
(prep + abl)- without
second declension masculine
- -us; -i
- -i; -orum
- -o; -is
- -um; -os
- -o; -is
- -e*; -i
2nd Decl= Masculine
2nd Decl "-er" masculines
- --; -i
- -i; -orum
- -o; -is
- -um; -os
- -o; -is
- --; -i
2nd Decl= Masc
ager, agri
- (m)- field, farm
- [agriculture]
agricola, -ae
(m)- farmer
amica, -ae
amicus, -i
- (f)- friend
- (m)- friend
- [amicable]
filia, -ae
- (f)- daughter
- * dat & abl pl- filiabus
populus, -i
- (m)- the people, a people/nation
- [population]
puer, pueri
(m)- boy, child; boys, children
avarus, -i
avara, -ae
(adj)- greedy, avaricious
(usually plural; adj)- few, a few
(adj)- Roman
- (prep + abl)- down from, from
- (prefix)- down, away, aside, out, off
habeo, habere, habui, habitum
- to have, hold, possess
- [habit]
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatum
to satisfy, sate
second declension- Neuters
- -um; -a
- -i; -orum
- -o; -is
- -um; -a
- -o; -is
- -um; -a
2nd Declension= Neuter
Declension & Agreement of Adj
- (m); (f); (n)
- -us; -a; -um
- -i; -ae; -i
- -o; -ae; -o
- -um; -am; -um
- -o; -a; -o
- -e; -a; -um
- --------------
- -i; -ae; -a
- -orum; -arum; -orum
- -is; -is; -is
- -os; -as; -a
- -is; -is; -is
- -i; -ae; -a
present indicative of Esse
- Sum; sumus
- es; estis
- est; sunt
Consilium; -ii
(n)- plan, purpose, advice
cura, -ae
(f)- care, attention, caution
donum, -i
- (n)- gift, present
- [donation]
exitium, -ii
(n)- destruction, ruin
magister, magistri
magistra, magistrae
- schoolmaster, teacher
- [magistrate]
officium, -ii
- (n)- duty, service
- [official]
otium, -ii
(n)- leisure, peace
periculum, -i
- (n)- danger, risk
- [perilous]
remedium, -ii
(n)- cure, remedy
bellus, -a, -um
- (adj)- pretty, handsome, charming
- [belle]
bonus, -a, -um
(adj)- good, kind
humanus, -a, -um
(adj)- humane, kind, refined; pertaining to man, human
malus, -a, -um
(adj)- bad, wicked, evil
parvus, -a, -um
(adj)- small, little
stultus, -a, -um
(adj)- foolish
verus, -a, -um
(adj)- true, real, proper
iuvo, iuvare, iuvi, iutum
to help, aid, assist
first and second conj: Future Tense
- -bo; -bimus
- -bis; -bitis
- -bit; -bunt
first and second conj: Imperfect Tense
- -bam; -bamus
- -bas; -batis
- -bat; -bant
adulscentia, -ae
- (f)- youth, young manhood; youthfulness
- [adolescence]
animus, -i
(m)- soul, spirit, mind
caelum, -i
- (n)- sky, heaven
- [celestial]
culpa, -ae
- (f)- fault, blame
- [culpable]
gloria, -ae
(f)- glory, fame
(abl and acc sing)- you, yourself
noster, nostra, nostrum
our, ours
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
beautiful, handsome, fine
sanus, -a, -um
- sound, healthy, sane
- [sanity]
(conj)- therefore, consequently
(enclitic)- *added to indicate a question*
(prep + acc)- on account of, because of
- (adv)- tomorrow
- [procrastinate]
(interrogative and relative adv and conj)- when
si quando
(idiom)- if ever
- (indecl noun, adj, and adv)- enough, sufficient
- [satisfy]
(adv)- then, at that time
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum
to dine
culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum
to blame
remaneo, remanere, remansi, remansum
to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
maneo, manere, mansi, mansum
to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
supero, superare, superavi, superatum
- to be above, have the upper hand, surpass
- [superior]
future indicative of esse
- ero; erimus
- eris; eritis
- erit; erunt
imperfect indicative esse
- eram; eramus
- eras; eratis
- erat; erant
present indicative of Posse
- possum; possumus
- potes; potestis
- potest; possunt
future indicative of Posse
- potero; poterimus
- poteris; poteritis
- poterit; poterunt
imperfect indicative of Posse
- poteram; poteramus
- poteras; poteratis
- poterat; poterant
discipula, -ae
discipulus, -i
student, learner, pupil
insidae, -arum
- (f pl)- ambush, plot, treachery
- [insidious]
tyrannus, -i
(m)- absolute ruler, tyrant
vitium, -ii
- (n)- fault, crime, vice
- [vicious]
perpetuus, -a, -um
perpetual, lasting, uninterupted, continous
plenus, -a, -um
full, abundant, generous
salvus, -a, -um
safe, sound
secundus, -a, -um
favorable, second
vester, vestra, vestrum
(plural tuus, -a, um)- your
- (enclitic conj)- and
- *always attatched to second of two words to be joined*
- (rel adv and conj)- where, when
- (interrog adv and conj)- when?
- [ubiquitous]
(adv)- now, at present
- (adv)- therefore, wherefore, why
- *literally- because of which thing*
possum, posse, potui
to be able, can, could
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratum
Third Declension
- (m/f); (n)
- --; --
- -is; -is
- -i; -i
- -em; --
- -e; -e
- ----------
- -es; -a
- -um; -um
- -ibus; -ibus
- -es; -a
- -ibus; -ibus
civitas, civitatis
(f)- state, citizenship
homo, hominis
(m)- human being, man
labor, laboris
(m)- labor, work, toil
littera, -ae
litterae, -arum
- (f)- a letter of the alphabet
- (f pl)- a letter (epistle), literature
mos, moris
- (m)- habit, custom, manner
- [morals]
tempus, temporis
(n)- time, occasion
terra, -ae
- (f)- earth, ground, land
- [terrestrial]
virgo, virginis
(f)- maiden, virgin
virtus, virtutis
- manliness, courage, excellence
- [virtue]
- (prep + acc)
- after, behind
- [posterior]
- (prep + abl w/ verbs of rest)
- (prep + acc w/ verbs of motion)
- under, close to
neco, necare, nacavi, necatum
to murder, kill
3rd conjugation
present indicative active
- -o; -imus
- -is; -itis
- -it; -unt
3rd conjugation
future indicative active
- -am; -emus
- -es; -etis
- -et; -ent
3rd conjugation
imperfect indicative active
- -ebam; -ebamus
- -ebas; -ebatis
- -ebat; -ebant
3rd conjugation
present imperative active
--; -ite
copiae, -arum
(f pl.)- supplies, troops, forces
frater, fratris
(m)- brother
laus, laudis
(f)- praise, glory, fame
libertas, libertatis
(f)- liberty
ratio, rationis
- (f)- reckoning, account, reason, judgement
- [rationale]
scriptor, scriptoris
(m)- writer, author
soror, sororis
(f)- sister
victoria, -ae
(f)- victory
(conj)- while, as long as, at the same time that
- (prep + acc)
- up to, near to
ex or e
- (prep +abl)- out of, from within, on account of
- [exit]
(adv)- nevertheless, still
ago, agere, egi, actum
- to drive, lead, do, act
- [act]
gratias agere + dat
to thank someone
demenstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum
- to point out, show
- [demonstrate]
disco, discere, didici
to learn
doceo, docere, docui, doctum
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum
- to lead, consider, regard
- [deduce, induce, produce]
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum
- to carry, carry on, manage, conduct, perfrom
- [gesture]
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum
- to write, compose
- [scribe]
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum
- to draw, drag, derive, acquire
- [attract]
vinco, vincere, vici, victum
- to conquer, overcome
- [convince]
demonstratives- hic, haec, hoc
- M; F; N
- hic; haec; hoc
- huius; huius; huius
- huic; huic; huic
- hunc; hanc; hoc
- hoc; hac; hoc
- -----------------
- hi; hae; heac
- horum; harum; horum
- his; his; his
- hos; has; haec
- his; his; his
hic- this (obj close to speaker)
demonstrative- iste, ista, istud
- M; F; N
- iste; ista; istud
- istius; istius; istius
- isti; isti; isti
- istum; istam; istud
- isto; ista; isto
- ------------------
- isti; istae; ista
- istorum; istarum; istorum
- istis; istis; istis
- istos; istas; ista
- istis; istis; istis
iste- those (near you)
demonstrative- ille, illa, illud
- M; F; N
- ille; illa; illud
- illius; illius; illius
- illi; illi; illi
- illum; illam; illud
- illo; illa; illo
- -----------------
- illi; illae; illa
- illorum; illarum; illorum
- illis; illis; illis
- illos; illas; illa
- illis; illis; illis
ille- that (over there)
locus, -i
(m)- place; passage in literature
morbus, -i
- (m)- disease, sickness
- [morbid]
studium, -ii
- (n)- eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
- [studious]
hic, haec, hoc
this; the latter
ille, illa, illud
that (over there); the former
iste, ista, istud
that (near you); that of yours; such
alii... alii
some... others
alter, altera, alterum
- the other (of two), second
- [alternate]
neuter, neutra, neutrum
- not either, neither
- [neutrality]
nullus, -a, -um
- not any, no, none
- [nullify]
solus, -a, -um
- alone, only, the only
- [solitary]
non solum... sed etiam
not only... but also
uter, utra, utrum
either, which (of two)
(postpositive conj)- for, in fact, truly
(prep + acc)- into, toward, against
nimis or nimium
(adv)- too, too much, excessively
4th conjugation- present
- -io; -imus
- -is; -itis
- -it; -iunt
4th conjugation- imperative
-i; -ite
4th conjugation- imperfect
- -iebam; -iebamus
- -iebas; -iebatis
- -iiebat; -iebant
4th conjugation- future
- -iam; -iemus
- -ies; -ietis
- -iet; -ient
amicitia, -ae
(f)- friendship
cupiditas, cupiditatis
- (f)- desire, longing, passion
- [cupid]
senectus, senectutis
(f)- old age
via, -ae
- (f)- way, road, street
- [via]
voluptas, voluptatis
- (f)- pleasure
- [voluptuous]
beatus, -a, -um
happy, fortunate, blessed
(conj)- since, inasmuch as
com-, con-, cor-, col-, co-
(prefix's)- with
audio, audire, audivi, auditum
to hear, listen to
capio, capere, cepi, captum
to take, capture, seize, get
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum
- to say, tell, speak
- [dictate]
facio, facere, feci, factum
to make, do, accomplish
fugio, fugere, fugi, fugiturum
- to flee, hurry away, escape, avoid
- [fugitive]
venio, venire, veni, ventum
to come
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventum
- to come upon, find
- [invent]
vivo, vivere, vixi, victum
1st person personal pronoun- ego
- singular; plural
- ego (I), nos (we)
- mei (of me); nostrum/nostri (of us)
- mihi; nobis
- me; nos
- me; nobis
2nd person personal pronoun- tu
- singular; pluaral
- tu (you); vos (you)
- tui; vestrum/vestri
- tibi; vobis
- te; vos
- te; vobis
third person/ demonstrative pronoun- is, ea, id
- M; F; N
- is; ea; id
- eius; eius; eius
- ei; ei; ei
- eum; eam; id
- eo; ea; eo
- ---------------
- ei/ii; eae; ea
- eorum; earum; eorum
- eis; eis; eis
- eos; eas; ea
- eis; eis; eis
3rd person- he/she/it- they/they/they
demonstrative- idem, eadem, idem
- M; F; N
- idem; eadem; idem
- eiusdem; eiusdem; eiusdem
- eidem; eidem; eidem
- eundem; eandem; idem
- eodem; eadem; eodem
- ----------------------------
- eidem; eaedem; eadem
- eorundem; earundem; eorundem
- eisdem; eisdem; eisdem
- eosdem; easdem; eadem
- eisdem; eisdem; eisdem
Demonstrative- idem, eadem, idem- the Same
caput, capitis
- (n)- head, leader
- [captain]
consul, consulis
(m)- consul
nemo, nullius
(m or f)- no one, nobody
is, ea, id
he, she, it; this, that
neque, nec
(conj)- and not, nor
neque... neque
nec... nec
neither... nor
(postpositive conj)- however, moreover
(adv)- well, satisfactorily, quite
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectum
to understand
mitto, mittere, misi, missum
- to send, let go
- [emit, submit]
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum
to feel, perceive, think
perfect active indicative
- -i; -imus
- -isti; -istis
- -it; erunt
pluperfect active indicative
- -eram; -eramus
- -eras; -eratis
- -erat; -erant
future perfect active indicative
- -ero; -erimus
- -eris; -eritis
- -erit; -erint
perfect of esse
- fui; fuimus
- fuisti; fuistis
- fuit; fuerunt
pluperfect of esse
- fueram; fueramus
- fueras; fueratis
- fuerat; fuerant
future perfect of esse
- fuero; fuerimus
- fueris; fueritis
- fuerit; fuerint
perfect of posse
- potui; potuimus
- potuisti; potuistis
- potuit; potuerunt
pluperfect of posse
- potueram; potueramus
- potueras; potueratis
- potuerat; potuerant
future pefect of posse
- potuero; potuerimus
- potueris; potueritis
- potuerit; potuerint
adulescens, adulescentis
(m, f)- young man, woman
caesar, caesaris
(m)- caesar
mater, matris
(f)- mother
medicus, -i
medica, -ae
- (m, f)- doctor, physician
- [medic]
pater, patris
(m)- father
patentia, -ae
- (f)- suffering, patience, endurance
- [patient]
principium, -ii
- (n)- beginning
- [principal]
acerbus, -a, -um
- harsh, bitter, grievous
- [exacerbate]
(prep + abl)- in front of, before, on behalf of, for
(adv)- long, for a long time
amitto, amittere, amisi, amissum
to lose, let go
creo, creare, creavi, creatum
to create
reflexive pronouns- 1st, 2nd, 3rd- mei, tui, sui
- 1st; 2nd; 3rd
- n/a; n/a; n/a
- mei; tui; sui
- mihi; tibi; sibi
- me; te; se
- me; te; se
- ---------------
- n/a; n/a; n/a
- nostri; vestri; sui
- nobis; vobis; sibi
- nos; vos; se
- nobis; vobis; se
(myself, yourself, his/her/itself)
reflexive possessives
- 1st/2nd; 3rd
- meus (my own)/ tuus (your own); suus, sua, suum
- ...
- noster (our own)/ vester (your own); sui, suae; sua
intensive pronoun- ipse, ipsa, ipsum
- (used to emphasize noun or pronoun)
- M; F; N
- ipse; ipsa; ipsum
- ipsius; ipsius; ipsius
- ipsi; ipsi; ipsi
- ipsum; ipsam; ipsum
- ipso; ipsa; ipso
- -------------------
- ipsi; ipsae; ipsa
- ipsorum; ipsarum; ipsorum
- ipsis; ipsis; ipsis
- ipsos; ipsas; ipsa
- ipsis; ipsis; ipsis
divitiae, -arum
(f pl)- riches, wealth
factum, -i
- (n)- deed, act, achievement
- [feat]
signum, -i
- (n)- sign, signal, indication, seal
- [insignia]
ispse, ipsa, ipsum
myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself
quisque, quidque
(indef pronoun)- each one, each person, each thing
- (reflexive pron- 3rd person)- himself, herself, itself, themselves
- [suicide]
doctus, -a, -um
- taught, learned, skilled
- [doctrine]
fortunatus, -a, -um
lucky, fortunate, happy
suus, -a, -um
- (refl possessive adj- 3rd pers)-
- his own, her own, its own; their own
- (prep + acc)- before, in front of
- [A.M.]
(prep + acc)- through
(adv)- at that time, once
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum
- to esteem, love
- [diligence]
iungo, iungere, iunxi, iunctum
sto, stare, steti, statum
- to stand, stand still, stand firm
- [stature, statue]
i-stem nouns of 3rd dec
- N
- -e
- -is
- -i
- -e
- -i
- -----
- -ia
- -ium
-ibus - -ia-ibus
vis (irregular) vs. vir
- force; manvis; vir
- vis; viri
- vi; viro
- vim; virum
- vi; viro
- -------------
- vires; vi
- virium; vorum
- viribus; vis
- vires; vos
- viribus; vis
animal, animalis
- (n)- a living creature
- [animal]
civis, civis
- (m, f)- citizen
- [civilian]
ius, iuris
- (n)- right, justice, law
- [jury]
pars, partis
(f)- part, share
turba, -ae
- uproar, disturbance
- [turbulence]
vis, vis
- (f)- force, power, violence
- [violent]
a- (before consonants)
ab- (before vowels & cons)
- (prep + abl)- away from, from, by
- [absolve]
- (prep + acc)- across
- [transmit]
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum
to speak to, address
curro, currere, cucurri, cursum
to run, rush, move quickly
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatum
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum
- to hold, keep, posses, restrain
- [retain]
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatum
to avoid, shun
Numerals: unus, una, unum
- one
- M; F; N
- unus; una; unum
- uni; unae; uni
- uno; unae; uno
- unum; unam; unum
- uno; una; uno
duo, duae, duo
- two-
- duo; duae; duo
- duorum; duarum; duorum
- duobus; duabus; duobus
- duos; duas; duo
- duobus; duabus; duobus
tres, tria
- three-
- M/F; N
- tres; tria
- trium; trium
- tribus; tribus
- tres; tria
- tribus; tribus
mille, milia
- thousand-
- M/F; N
- mille; milia
- mille; milium
- mille; milibus
- mille; milia
- mille; milibus
septimus, -a, -um
tempestas, tempestatis
(f)- period of time, season; weather, storm
(indecl adj)- a hundred
miser, misera, miserum
wretched, miserable
(adv)- and so, therefore
committo, -mittere, -misi, -missum
to entrust, commit
expecto, expectare, expectavum, expectatum
to look for, expect, await
iacio, iacere, ieci, iactum
to throw, hurl
timeo, timere, timui
to fear, be afraid of, be afraid
3rd declension adjective endings:
- M/F; N
- --; --
- -is; -i
- -i; -i
- -em; -em
- -i; -i
- --------------
- -es; -ia
- -ium; -ium
- -ibus; -ibus
- -es; -ia
- -ibus; -ibus
aetas, aetatis
- (f)- period of life, age
- [eternal]
auditor, auditoris
(m)- hearer, listener
clementia, -ae
- (f)- mildness, gentleness, mercy
- [clemency]
mens, mentis
(f)- mind, thought, intention
acer, acris, acre
- sharp, keen, eager
- [acrid]
brevis, breve
- short, small, brief
- [brevity]
celer, celeris, celere
- swift, quick, rapid
- [accelerate]
difficilis, difficile
- hard, difficult, troublesome
- [difficulty]
dulcis, dulce
sweet, pleasant
facilis, facile
- easy, agreeable
- [facilitate]
ingens, (gen) ingentis
iucundus, -a, -um
- pleasant, delightful, pleasing
- [jocund]
potens, (gen) potentis
senex, (gen) senis
senex, (gen) senis
- (adj + noun)- old, aged; old man
- [senator]
rego, regere, rexi, rectum
- to rule, guide, direct
- [regent, regime]
the relative pronoun
- M; F; N
- qui; quae; quod
- cuius; cuius; cuius
- cui; cui; cui
- quem; quam; quod
- quo; qua; quo
- ------------------
- qui; quae; quae
- quorum; quarum; quorum
- quibus; quibus; quibus
- quos; quas; quae
- quibus; quibus; quibus
libellus, -i
(m)- little book
qui, quae, quod
(rel pron)- who, which, what, that
levis, leve
- light, easy, slight, trivial
- [levity]
aut... aut
(conj)- either... or
admitto, -mittere, -misi, -missum
- to admit, recieve, let in
- [admition]
coepi, coepisse, coeptum
(defective verb used in the perfect system)- began
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum
- to desire, wish, long for
- [cupid]
deleo, delere, delevi, deletum
- to destroy, wipe out, erase
- [delete]
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratum
to desire, long for
incipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum
navigo, navigare, navigaui, navigatum
- to sail, navigate
- [navigation]
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectum
- to neglect, disregard
- [negligent]
recito, recitare, recitaui, recitatum
- to read aloud, recite
- [recital]
first and second conjugation: present system passive voice
- -r; -mur
- -ris; -mini
- -tur; -ntur
flumen, fluminis
(n)- river
genus, generis
- (n)- origin; kind, type, sort, class
- [genus]
hostis, hostis
(m)- an enemy (of the state)
ludus, -i
(m)- game, sport, school
probitas, probitatis
(f)- uprightness, honesty
scientia, -ae
- (f)- knowledge
- [scientific]
clarus, -a, -um
- clear, bright; renowned, famous, illustrious
- [clarity]
(adv)- thereupon, next, then
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum
lego, legere, legi, lectum
- to pick out, choose
- [elect]
misceo, miscere, miscui, misxtum
- to mix, stir up, disturb
- [miscellaneous]
moveo, movere, movi, motum
- to move, arouse, affect
- [mobile]
videor, videri, visus sum
(passive of video)- to be seen, seem, appear