Psoas Major
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Bodies and Transvers processes of lumber verterbrae.
- Insertion:
- Lesser Trocanter of Femur
- Action:
- Flex, Add, Lat Rot Hip
- Nerve:Ant. Rami (L1,2,3)
Insersion: (1)
Action: (3)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Illicas Fosser
- Insertion: Lessor Trocanter Femur
- Action: Flex, Add, Lat Rot Hip
- Nerve: Femoral Nerve (L2+L3)
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Ant Serface Sacrum
- Insertion:
Greater Troanter - Action:
- Lat Rot Hip, Abb when hip is flexed
- Nerve:Ant. Rami of Sacral Plexus (L5+S1+S2)
Quadrat Femoris
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Lateral border of Ichial Tuberosity
- Insertion:
- Post. Surface of Femur
- Action: Lat Rot Hip
- Nerve:Nerve to Quad. Fem. (L4,5 + S1)
Obdurator Internus
Origin: (2)
Insersion: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Obdurator membrane AND Pelvic surface
- Insersion: Med. Surface of Greater Trocanter
- Action:
- Lat Rot Hip
- Nerve:Nerve to Obdu. Int. (L5+S1,2)
Obturator Externus
Origin: (2)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Sup. And Inf. Rami of pubis
- Insertion:
- Trochcanter Fossa of Femur
- Action:
- Lat Rot Hip
- Nerve:Post. branch of Ob. Nerve (L3+L4)
Gemellus Superior
- Origin: Spine of Ischium
- Insersion:Upp. Boarder of Greater Trochanter
- Action:
Lat. Rot. Hip - Nerve:Nerve to Ob. Int. (L5+S1,2)
Vastus Inermedius
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Ant. Lat. Shaft Femur
- Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity
- Action: Knee Exten
- Nerve:Femoral Nerve (L2,3,4)
Vastus Lateralis
Insertion: (1)
Action: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Lat. Lip Linea Aspera AND Gluteal Tuberosity
- Insersion: Tibial Tuberosity
- Action:
- Knee Exten
- Nerve:Femoral Nerve (L2,3,4)
Vastus Medialis
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Med. Lip of Linea Aspera
- Insertion:
- Tibial Tuberosity
- Action:
Knee Exten - Nerve:Femoral Nerve (L2,3,4)
Rectus Femoris
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin: A.I.I.S
- Insertion: Tibial Tuberosity
- Action: Knee Exten AND Flex Hip
- Nerve:Femoral Nerve (L2,3,4)
Gemellus Inferior
- Origin:
- Ichial Tuberosity
- Insertion:
- Upp Boarder of Greater Trochanter
- Action: Lat Rot Hip
- Nerve:Nerve to Quad. Fem. (L4,5+S1)
Adductor Magnus
Insertion: (2)
Action: (3)
Nerve: (2)
- Origin:
- Inferior Ramus of Pubis
- Ramus of Ischium
- Ichial Tuberosity
- Insersion:
Linea Aspera - Add Tubercle
- Action:
Add Hip - Med Rot Hip
- Assis Hip Flex
- Nerve:
Ischiopubic ramus: Post.Div. of Obt. Nerve (L2,3) - Ischal Tube: Tib.Div of Sciatic Nerve (L4)
Adductor Longus
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (3)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin: Pubic Tubercle
- Insersion:
- Med. Lip of Linea Aspera
- Action:
Add Hip AND Med Rot Hip AND Assis Hip Flex - Nerve:Ant. Div of Obt. Nerve (L2,3,4)
Adductor Brevis
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (3)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
Inferior Ramus of Pubis - Insertion:Pectineal line of femur
- Action:
Add Hip AND Med Rot Hip AND Assis Hip Flex - Nerve:Ant. Div of Obt. Nerve (L2,3,4)
Origin: (2)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (3) (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Inferior Ramus of Pubis AND Ramus of Ischium
- Insersion:
- Prox. Med Shaft of Tibia at Pes Anserius Tendon
- Action: Add Hip AND Med. Rot. Hip AND Assis Hip Flex.
- (Also Flexs and Med. Rot.s Knee)
- Nerve:Ant. Div of Obt. Nerve (L2+L3)
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: (5)
Insertion: (2)
Action: (5)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
Coccyx AND Post. Sacrum AND - Post. illac crest AND Sacrotuberus AND Sacrotuberus AND Sacroilliac Ligamets.
- Insertion:
- Gluteal Tuberosity (Upp. Fibers) AND Illiotibial Tract (Low. Fibers)
- Action:
Exten, Lat Rot. and ABd's the Hip - AND lower fibers ADd the Hip
- Nerve:Inf. Glut. Nerve (L5+S1,2)
Gluteus Medius
Origin: (2)
Action: (3)
- Origin:
External Surface of Illium between - Ant./Inf. Gluteal Lines
- Insertion:Ant. Boarded of Greater Tochanter
- Action: ABd AND Flex AND Med. Rot. Hip
- Nerve:Sup. Glut. Nerve (L4,5+S1)
Biceps Femoris
Origins: (2)
Insertion: (1)
Actions: (3)(1)
Nerve: (2)
- Origins: Long Head - Ischial Tuberosity
- Short Head - Lat. Lip of Linea Aspera
- Insertion:
- Head of Fibula
- Action:
- Knee Flex AND Hip Exten AND Tilt Pelvis Post. AND Lat. Rot. Hip
- Nerve:Long head - Tib. Div of Sciatic Nerve
- Short head - com. Peroneal of Sciatic Nerve (L5+S1,2)
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Actions: (3) (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
Ischial Tuberosity - Insertion: Prox. Med Shaft of Tibia
- Action: Knee Flex AND Hip Exten AND Tilt Pelvis Post. AND Med. Rot. Hip
- Nerve:Tib. Div. of Sciatic Nerve (L5+S1,2)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (3) (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
Ischial Tuberosity - Insertion:
Post. Asspect of Med. Condyle of Tibia - Action:
- Knee Flex AND Hip Exten AND Tilt Pelvis Post. AND Med. Rot Hip
- Nerve:Tib. Div. of Sciatic Nerve (L5+S1,2)
Sartorius (7)
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (5)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin: A.S.I.S
- Insertion:
Prox. Med. Shaft of Tibia - Action:
- Flex, ABd, Lat. Rot. Hip AND Knee Flex AND Med Rot. Flexed Knee
- Nerve:Femoral Nerve (L2,3)
Tensor Fascia Latae
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (3)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
Illiac Crest (Post. to ASIS) - Insertion:
Illiotibial Tract - Action:
Flex, ABd and Med Rot. Hip - Nerve:Sup. Glut. Nerve (L4,L5)
Iilliotibial Tract
- - Superficial sheet of fascia along Lat. thigh.
- - extends from Gluteal fiscia down to Tibial Tubical @ Knee.
Internal Oblique:
Origin: (3)
Insertion: (2)
- Origin:
- Lat. 2/3rd inguinal Lig.
- Ant 2/3rds of intermediate line of illiac crest.
- Thoracolumbar fascia
- Insertion:
- Linea alba
- cartilage of of ribs 7-12
- Action:
- Acting together:- Compress abdomen- Flex V. Colnm.
- Acting Singly:- Lat. Flex V.Colnm.- Esp. Lumbar portion- Rot. V.Colnm
- Nerve:
- Thoracic Spinal Nerve (T8-T12)Iliohypogastric nerveIlioinguinal Nerve
External Oblique:
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (2)
- Origin:
- Ribs 5-12
- Insertion:
- Out.2/3rds Illiac crest
- Linea Alba
- Action:
- Bilaterally - compresses abdomen,flexes vertebral column.
- Unilaterally - Lat flex V. Colmn. Esp. lumber Colnm.
- Nerve:Thoracic Spinal Nerve (T7-T12)
- Iliohypogastric nerve
Rectus Abdominis:
Origin: (2)
Insertion: (2)
Action: (5)
- Origin:Pubic crest
- Pubic symphasis
- Insertion:Ant. Surface of Xiphoid process.
- costal cartilages of 5th,6th,7th rib
- Action:
- Flex Vertebral column.
- Lumber portion compress abdomen to:
- -defecate
- - urinate
- - force exhalation
- -childbirth
- Nerve:Thoracic spinal nerve (T6/7-T12)
Tibialis Posterior:
Insertion: (4)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Lat. Aspect of Post. Surface of tibia.
- Post. Surface of Fibia
- Interosseous membrane
- Insertion:
- Tubercal on Med. Aspect of Navicular.
- Planter surface of Med. Cuneiform.
- Cuboid.2,3,4
- M.Tls
- Action:Planterflex foot at ankle joint.
- Inverts foot at intertarsal joint
- Nerve:Tibial nerve ( L4+L5)
Origin: (2)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Med. and Lat. condyles of femur
- Insertion:
- Med. Post. Surface of Calcaneus.
- (Achilles tendon)
- Action:
- Planterflex foot at ankle.
- Flex leg at knee
- Nerve:
- Tibial nerve (S1 + S2)
Peroneus Longus
Origin: (2)
Insertion: (2)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:Lat. Condyle of tibia
- Upp. 2/3rd Lat surface of fibula.
- Insertion:
- Planter Lat. Surface Med. Cuneiform .
- Base of 1st metarasal
- Action:
- Planterflex foot at ankle joint.
- Everts foot at intertarsal joints
- Nerve:
- Sup.Peroneal nerve (L5+S1)
Peroneus Brevis:
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Lower 2/3rd of fibula
- Insertion:
- Tubercle on Lat side of base 5th Metarls
- Action:
- Planter flex foot at ankle.
- Everts foot at intertarsal joints
- Nerve:
- Sup. Peroneal nerve (L5+S1)
Origin: (1)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Lat. Sup. condylar ridge
- Insertion:
- Med. Post. surface of calcaneus (Achilles tendon)
- Action:
- Weak Planterflex foot at ankle.
- Weak Flex leg at knee
- Nerve:
- Tibial nerve (S1+S2)
Origin: (2)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Head of fibulaMed. border of tibia
- Insertion:
- Med. Post. Surface of Calcaneus (Achilles tendon)
- Action:
- Planterflex foot at ankle
- Nerve:
- Tibial nerve (S1+S2)
Extensor Digitorum Longus:
Insertion: (1)
Action: (3)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Up 2/3rd of Ant. Surface of fibula.
- Lat. Condyle of tibiaInterosseous membrane
- Insertion:
- Med. Dist. Phalanges of toes 2-5
- Action:
- Dorsiflex foot at ankle.
- Extends Dist.Med. Phalanges of toes at int.Phalangl joints
- Prox.Phalanx of toes at Met.Phal joints
- Nerve:
- Deep Peroneal (L5+S1)
Exstensor Hallucis Longus:
Origin: (2)
Insertions: (1)
Action: (2)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin:
- Med. Ant surface of fibula adj. to interosseous membrane
- Insertion:
- Base of distal phalanx on dorsal surface of hallucis.
- Action:
- Dorsiflex foot at ankle.
- Extend prox. Phalanx of G.T at Met.Phal. joint
- Nerve:
- Deep Peroneal (L5+S1)
Tibials Anterior:
Origin: (2)
Action: (1)
Nerve: (1)
- Origin: Lat surface of tibiaInterosseous membrane.
- Insertion:
- Med cuneiform.
- Base of 1st metarsal
- Action:
- Dorsiflex ankle
- Nerve:
- Deep Peroneal (L4+L5)
Psoas MAjor (Illiopsoas):
Origin: (4)
Insertion: (1)
Action: (2)
- Origin:(Upp attach)
- Adj margins of body of vertebrae T12.
- (Low attach)
- Upp margin of body of L5.
- Frnt and Med. part of each Transverse process.
- Insertion:Tip of Lesser Trocanter of femur
- Action:Flex thigh at Hip.
- Lat. Rot. Thigh.
- Nerve:Lumber Spinal Nerve (L1+L2+L3)
Transverse Abdominis:
Origin: (4)
Insertion: (
- Origin:Lat 2/3rds of inguinal Lig.
- Ant 2/3rds inner lip of Illiac crest.
- Thoracolumbar fascia.
- Ostal cart. Of ribs 5-10
- Insertion:Xiphoid process.
- Linea alba
- pubis
- Action:Increase internal abdominal pressure.
- Nerve:Thoracic Spinal Nerve (T8-T12)
- Iliohypogastric Nerve
- Ilioinguinal Nerve