Matching Section 1
- filament-supports anther
- stigma-collects pollen
- receptacle-enlarged end of pedicle
- pistil-female parts of flower
- ovary-houses ovules
- anther-produces pollen
- stamen-male parts of flower
- petal-attracts pollinators
- style-supports stigma
- sepal-protects flower bud
- hypocytl-becomes roots of seedling
- seedcoat-protects the seed
- hilum-where ovule was connected
- epicotyl-becomes the stem and leaves of the seedling
- cotyledon-stored food for growth
- micropyle-where the pollen tube entered the ovule
- fleshy tap-enlarged tap root
- fibrous-branching root system
- veins-secondary vascular tubes
- peticle-vascularized attachment
- tap-primary root with secondary roots growing off of it
- midrib-main vascular tubes
- adventitious-roots that grow from another area than the primary root
- bud-left over protective scale
- endosperm-stored starch for growth
- fruit wall-protects monocot seed
- root-anchors, absorbs, and stores foods
- fruit-care and dispersal of seeds
- fertilization-union of sperm nuclei and egg nuclei
- promeristem-buds
- primary function-care and dispersal
- photosynthesis-H2O+CO2+light energy+chlorophyll become sugar and oxygen gas
- zygote-fertilized ovule
- schlerencyme-fertilized ovule
- surface-protects
- epidermis-thin layer with cuticle
- monocot-parallel veins in leaf
- vascular cambium-cell division causing growth in width
- "germ"-the plant embryo
- xylem-transports water up a plant
- vascular-transports
- 1N haploid-1/2 the chromosome number
- parenchyma-stores sugars and photosynthesizes
- meristematic-growth
- stomata-allows gasses in and out of leaves
- fruit-ripened ovary
- phloem-allows gasses in and out of leaves
- seed-dormant embryonic plant with stored food
- lenticles-allows gasses in and out of stems
- cork-thick layer with suberin
Matching Section 2
- fundamental-storage, photosynthesis, and support
- gourd cells-open and close stomata
- apical moristem-cell division causing growth in length
- vascular bundle-a bundle of xylem and phloem
- leaf-a solar collector for photosynthesis
- flower-sexual reproduction
- bud-protection of potential plant organ
- stem-supports plant organs
- blade-parenchyma cells for photosynthesis
Memorized Section 1
- Process of Fertilization-The process whereby the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus fuse to form a zygote
- Process of Seed Development-The zygote becomes a plant embryo, and then the endosperm develops into the cotyledon, the integument develops into the seed coat, and the ovary enlarges and becomes the fruit.
- Process of Germination-Heat or moisture make the "germ" to grow, then the hypocotyl breaks out and sends roots to get as much water as possible, then the epicotyl grows out an becomes the seedling.
- Fruit Care for Seed-Protects it from animal infestation, dehydration, and mechanical injury, and it nourishes the seed.
- Dispersal of Seeds-Wind, water, mechanical, animal accidental, animal eating, and human agriculture
- Botanical Name for Fruits-Apple/pome orange/hesperidian cucumber/pepo peach/drupe oats/grain sunflower/achene pea/legume poppy/capsule tomato/berry strawberry/accessory
- 4 Plant tissues-surface:protects vascular:transports meristematic:growth fundamental:storage,photosynthesis,support
- 2 Surface Tissue-epidermis:thin outer coating with waxy covering cork:thick layer of dead cells with waxy material
- Plants Growing in Width-Vascular cambium make new plileum cells outward and new xylem cells inward
- Plants Growing in Length-Apical meristem at the end of all branches and roots produce new cells through the process of mitosis
- 4 Things for Photosynthesis-Carbon dioxide, water, chloroplast, light energy
- Photosynthesis produces-sugar and oxygen
- Photosynthesis takes place-parenchyma, epidermis, stomata gourd cells