T or F
A bowel diversion close to the ileocecal valve (between the small and large intestine) will have soft formed stool coming out of it.
It will have a constant flow of liquid effluent.
T or F
A bowel diversion close to the rectum will have effluent that resembles feces.
T or F
Drainage from an ileostomy is solid.
It is liquid and continuous.
What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber?
Soluble bulks up stool and provides nutrients.
Insoluble fiber increases peristalsis.
What foods can be used in diarrhea control?
Soluble fiber
Creamy PB
What foods produce gas?
Cruciferous vegetables
What is the longest a pt can wear a rectal catheter?
28 days
What is the most common cause of fecal incontinence?
Anal sphincter injury from traumatic vaginal birth
What must you check on a pt. before applying a fecal incontinence collector?
Make sure the pt. has intact skin in that area because it is an adhesive product.
What position must a pt. be in for suppository admin?
Left lateral sims position
What are signs of a fecal impaction?
Liquid dry stool leaking around mass
Rectal bleeding
Hard dry mass
What is a fecal occult blood test for?
Determine if there is blood in stools. Often performed at bedside by nurse. Also called Hemoccult.
What is the purpose of a Kock pouch?
Creates a reservoir to collect ileal drainage. To drain, a pt. inserts a tube through the stoma several times a day which avoids continuous drainage and allows pt. to be free of ostomy appliance.
What is the purpose of a total colectomy with ileaoanal reservoir?
Creates a pouch from the ileum and connects the ileum to the rectum allowing the pt. to defecate through rectum with continence but the stool will be liquid.
T or F
The closer the colostomy is to the ascending colon, the more solid the drainage will be.
The more liquid and continuous the drainage will be.
T or F
The colostomy close to the sigmoid colon will produce solid feces.
T or F
The distal stoma of a double barreled colostomy is the functioning end that drains fecal material.
The proximal stoma is the functionnig end draining fecal material. The distal stoma may contain mucus and is sometimes called a mucus fistula.
Why is it important to determine bowel patterns of a client?
Bowel patterns vary from person to person and what is normal for one may not be normal for another.
How much stool is needed for a stool specimen?
1 inch of formed stool or 20 to 30 mL of liquid stool
What does white or clay-colored stool possibly indicate?
Absence of bile or use of some antacids
What does light brown stool possibly indicate?
Diet high in milk products and low in meat
What does pale, fatty stool possibly indicate?
Malabsorption of fat
What does melena (black, tarry stool) possibly indicate?
Use of iron medications or upper GI bleeding; eating large quantities of red meat, spinach, and dark green vegetables may cause feces to be almost black.
What does red stool possibly indicate?
Bleeding in the lower intestinal tract
T or F
Stool lightens the longer it is left standing after defecation.
Stool darkens the longer it is left standing
What does narrow stool possibly indicate?
Intestinal obstruction or constriction or rapid peristalsis
What does small, marble shaped stool indicate?
Slow peristalsis with longer time in the large intestine
T or F
Stool is normall neutral or slightly alkaline
What is the treatment of choice for anorectal dysfunction?
Biofeedback therapy
What must you do before removing stool digitally?
Obtain baseline vital signs and determine whether or not the patient has a history of cardiac problems or other CI
What are the defining characteristics of diarrhea?
Abdominal pain
Cramping and urgency
at least 3 loose liquid stools per day
Hyperactive bowel sounds
What are the primary concerns with diarrhea?
Water and potassium loss
Which side is best for the pt. to be on when admin. an enema?
What are the primary antidiarrheal drugs?
Opiates and opiate derivatives
T or F
A UAP can perform an occult blood test if they have the necessary skills and the pt's condition is stable.
What assessment procedures must be done before an occult blood test?
Dietary history for past 24 - 48 hours
Assess medication history
Presence of hemorrhoids
T or F
It is okay to use a sample of feces that has come in contact with urine or water in an occult blood test.