ch. 34 radiology

  1. the breaking of a part:
  2. T/F fractures may affect the crowns and roots of teeth or bones of the maxilla or mandible
  3. which teeth usually are involved in fractures?
    anterior teeth
  4. T/F crown fractures may involve the enamel only, the enamel and dentin, or the enamel, dentin, and the pulp
  5. the radiograph for observing a fracture allows the dental professional to evaluate the ________ of the _____ ________ to the fracture and examine the root for additional fractures
    • proximity
    • pulp chamber
  6. which is more common, a root fracture or a crown fracture?
    crown fractures
  7. when do root fracture occur?
    from an accident or traumatic blow
  8. what is the most common region for root fractures to occur?
    maxillary central incisors
  9. a fracture that is parallel with the x-ray beam appears as:
    a sharp radiolucent line on a PA
  10. how come with time root fractures have a tendency to enlarge?
    • displacement of root fragments
    • hemorrhage
    • edema
  11. what is the most common bone for fractures in the face?
  12. which are more common, maxillary fractures or mandibular fractures?
    mandibular fractures of the alveolar bone and teeth
  13. tooth _________ includes luxation (intrusion or extrusion) and avulsion
  14. the abnormal displacement of teeth
  15. abnormal displacement of teeth INTO the bone
  16. abnormal displacement or teeth OUT of the bone
  17. the complete displacement of a tooth from the alveolar bone
  18. which displacement is most common with an assault or accidental fall?
  19. dental radiographs are important in the evaluation of the socket area and should be used to examine the region for ________ ______
    splintered bone
  20. what are the two types of resorption associated with teeth?
    • physiologic
    • pathologic
  21. a process that is seen with the normal shedding of primary teeth
    physiologic resorption
  22. the roots of a primary tooth are resorbed as the permanent successor moves in an occlusal direction; the primary tooth is shed when the resorption of the roots is complete.
    physiologic resorption
  23. a regressive alteration of tooth structure that is observed when a tooth is subjected to abnormal stimuli
    pathologic resorption
  24. resorption of teeth can be described as _______ or ________ depending on the location of the resorption process
    • external
    • internal
    • (pathologic resorption)
  25. what type of resorption is seen along the periphery of the root surface and is often associated with reimplanted teeth, abnormal mechanical forces, trauma, chronic inflammation, tumors/cysts, impacted teeth or idiopathic causes?
    external resorption
  26. what does external resorption usually affect?
    the apices of teeth
  27. the apical region is blunted and the length of the roots appear shorter than normal, this is ________ resorption
  28. both the lamina dura and the bone around the blunted apex appear normal with __________ resorption
  29. T/F external resorption can only be detected clinically and with signs or symptoms
    false! It cannot be detected clinically, only on a radiograph. asymptomatic
  30. T/F teeth that undergo external resorption do not exhibit mobility
  31. T/F there is no effective treatment for external resorption
  32. resorption that occurs within the crown or root of a tooth and involves the pulp chamber, pulp canals, and surrounding dentin
    internal resorption
  33. T/F trauma, pulp capping, and pulp polyps are believed to stimulate the internal resorption process
    true dat
  34. appears as a round ovoid radiolucency in the midcrown or midroot portion of a tooth
    internal resorption
  35. T/F internal resorption generally has symptoms
    false! asymptomatic
  36. what is recommended if the tooth from the resorptive process has not physically weakened the tooth? what if the tooth is weakened?
    • root canal
    • extraction
  37. a diffuse calcification of the pulp chamber and pulp canals of teeth that result in pulp cavity of decreased size
    pulpal sclerosis
  38. for unknown reasons, pulpal sclerosis is associated with______
  39. pulpal sclerosis appears as a pulp cavity that is _______ in size
  40. does not appear to have a pulp chamber or pulp canals=
    pulpal obliteration
  41. pulpal obliteration teeth appear to be ________ and do not require treatment
  42. some conditions ( attrition, abrasion, caries, etc) may act as irritants to the pulp and stimulate the production of secondary dentin which results in _________ of the pulp cavity
  43. calcifications that are found in the pulp chamber or pulp canals of teeth
    pulp stoney stones
  44. T/F the cause of pulp stones is unknown
    true true
  45. round, ovoid, or cylindrical radiopacities and may conform the shape of the pulp chamber or canal
    pulp stones
  46. on a radiograph, ________ lesions may appear radiopaque or radiolucent
  47. granulomas, cysts, and abcesses are common radiolocuencies:
  48. can periapical lesions be diagnosed as a granuloma, cyst, or abcess from a radiograph?
    no, it should just be called a periapical radiolucency
  49. a localized mass of chronically inflamed granulation tissue at the apex of a nonvital tooth
    periapical granuloma
  50. T/F the periapical granuloma results from pulpal death and necrosis and s the most common sequela of pulpitis
    true, i'm not lying!
  51. what can give rise to a periapical cyst or abcess?
    periapical granuloma
  52. a periapical granuloma is typically _________ with a history of prolonged sensitivity to hot and cold
  53. how does a periapical granuloma appear?
    as a widened periodontal ligament space at the root apex
  54. is the lamina dura visible between the root apex and the apical lesion with periapical granuloma?
    no, it is radiolucent (its like bliggity black)
  55. a radicular cyst aka:
    periapcal cyst
  56. cystic degeneration takes place within a periapical granuloma and results in a periapical cyst
    periapical cyst
  57. cyst results from pulpal death and necrosis
    periapical cyst
  58. what are the most common of all tooth related cysts and compromise 50% to 70% of all cysts in the oral region?
    periapical cyst
  59. are periapical cysts asymptomatic or symptomatic?
    usually asymptomatic
  60. a periapical cysts appears as a round or ovoid ___________
  61. a localized collection of pus in the periapical region of a tooth that results from pulpal death
    periapical abcess
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ch. 34 radiology
ch 34 radiology