Pysch ch5

  1. Computational Approach
    Focuses on Neural Transmission of raw sensation.
  2. Constructivist Approach
    A mix of fragmented sensory info to create reality
  3. Ecological Approach
    Info is provided by the environment because of high levels of adaptation.
  4. Psychophysics
    focuses on the relationship between physical characteristics, and environmental stimuli.
  5. Subliminal Stimuli
    Stimuli that ate to week or brief to be perceived.
  6. Supraliminal Stimuli
    Stimuli that are strong enough to be perceived.
  7. sensativity
    ability to detect stimulus
  8. response criterion
    internal rule a person uses to decide whether or no to report a stimulus
  9. signal-detection theory
    a mathematical model of what determines a person's report of whether or not a stimulus has occurred.
  10. Weber's law
    the smallest detectable difference in stimulus energy is a constant fraction of the intensity of the stimulus.
  11. just-noticeable difference
    smallest detectable change in stimuli
  12. perceptual organization
    the task of determining what edges and other stimulus go together to form an object
  13. auditory scene analysis
    the perceptual process through which sounds are mentally represented and interpreted.
  14. depth perception
    ability to perceive distance
  15. interposition
    depth cue whereby closer objects block one's view of things farther away.
  16. relative size
    a depth cue whereby larger objects are perceived as closer than smaller ones
  17. height of visual field
    a depth cue whereby objects higher in the visual field are perceived as more distant.
  18. texture gradient
    a gradual change on the texture or grain of the visual field, whereby objects with finer, less detailed textures are perceived as more distant.
  19. linear perspective
    a depth cue whereby objects closer to the point at which two lines appear to converge are perceived as being at a greater distance.
  20. motion parallax
    a depth cue whereby a difference in the apparent rate of movement to different objects provides information about the relative distance to those objects.
  21. accommodation
    the ability of a lens of the eye to change its shape and bend light rays so that objects are in focus.
  22. convergence
    a depth cue involving the rotation of the eyes to project the image of an object on each retina.
  23. binocular disparity
    a depth cue based on the difference between two retinal images of the world.
  24. looming
    a motion cue involving a rapid expansion in the size of an image so that it fills the available space on the retina.
  25. stroboscopic motion
    an illusion in which lights or images flashed in rapid succession are perceived as moving
  26. perceptual constancy
    the perception of objects as a constant in size, shape, color, and other properties despite changes in their retinal image.
  27. top-down processing
    Aspects of recognition that are guided by higher-level cognitive processes and psychological factors such as expectations.
  28. bottom-up processing
    Aspects of recognition that depend first on the information about the stimulus that comes to the brain from the sensory receptors.
  29. schemas
    Mental representations of what we know, and have come to expect, about the world.
  30. parallel distributed processing models
    an approach to understanding object recognition in which various elements of the object are thought to be simultaneously analyzed by a number of widely distributed, bu connected, neural units in the brain.
  31. attention
    the process of directing and focusing psychological resources to enhance perception, performance, and mental experience.
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Pysch ch5