Science Unit 5

  1. Volcanoes
    BD:A weak spot or opening in Earth’s crust where magma comes out. MD:a weak spot or opening.

    MD:a weak spot or opening.
  2. Silica
    • BD: A compound found in magma;helps determine viscosity.
    • MD: A compound found in magma
  3. Magma
    • BD: Molten mixture of gases,rock,and water.
    • MD: A molten solution.
  4. Lava
    • BD: Molten material that has reached the earth's surface.
    • MD: Molten material that has surfaced.
  5. Aa
    • BD: Slow moving lava,high in silica content.
    • MD: Slow moving,high silica content.
  6. Quiet Eruptions
    • BD: Eruptions from low silica content magma and low viscosity.
    • MD: Eruptions from low silica content.
  7. Explosive Eruptions
    • BD: Eruptions from high silica content magma and high viscosity.
    • MD: Eruptions from high silica content and viscosity.
  8. Pahoehoe
    • BD: Fast moving lava,low in silica content ; brownie batter.
    • MD: Fast moving lava, low silica content.
  9. Pyroclastic Flow
    • BD: a mixture of gases, ash, cinders and bombs from an explosive eruption.
    • MD: A solution of gases,ash,cinders,and bombs.
  10. Ash
    • BD: fine,dust like lava.
    • MD: fine,dust like lava.
  11. Cinders
    • BD:Pebble sized lava.
    • MD: Pebble sized lava.
  12. Bombs
    • BD: lava from the size of a baseball to a car.
    • MD: Lava from the size of baseballs-cars.
  13. Extinct
    • BD: Will never erupt again.
    • MD: Will never erupt again.
  14. Dormant
    • BD: Not currently erupting, but it’s likely to erupt again.
    • MD: Not currently erupting (sleeping.)
  15. Element
    • BD: Material in it’s simplest form; cannot be broken down anymore.
    • MD: Material that can't be broken down anymore.
  16. Compound
    • BD: Two or more elements that are together.
    • MD: Two elements that are together.
  17. Ring of fire
    • BD: Volcanic ring around the pacific plate; 72% of world’s volcanoes.
    • MD: Volcanic ring.
  18. Island Arc
    • BD: String of volcanic islands near subduction zones.
    • MD: String of volcanic islands near zones.
  19. Hot spot
    • BD: Fixed, weak spot in crust where magma comes out easily.
    • MD: Weak spot in the crust.
  20. Viscosity
    • BD: The resistance to flow
    • MD: The resistance to flow.
  21. Magma chamber
    • BD: Pool of magma beneath the surface.
    • MD: Pool of magma beneath the surface.
  22. Pipe
    • BD: Central tube connecting the magma chamber to the surface.
    • MD: Tube where lava passes through.
  23. Vent
    • BD: Opening where magma comes out, can be on top or on sides.
    • MD: Opening where magma comes out.
  24. Crater
    • BD: Central opening at the top of a volcano.
    • MD: Central opening on top of a volcano.
  25. Lava Flow
    • BD: Lava that comes out of and over the sides of a volcano.
    • MD: The flow of the lava.
  26. Geothermal Activity
    • BD: Activity on earth that is caused by heat from within.
    • MD: Activity caused on earth because of the inside of the earth.
  27. Shield Volcano
    • BD: Thin layers of lava that harden, forming a gradually inclined hill.
    • MD: Thin layers of lava that harden.
  28. Composite Volcano
    • BD: Most common, mixture of pyroclastic flow and lava.
    • MD: Most common volcano.
  29. Cinder Cone
    • BD: Made from pyroclastic flow, explosive eruptions.
    • MD: Made from pyroclastic flow.
  30. Geyser
    • BD: Hot water coming out of the ground.
    • MD: Hot water forced out ground.
  31. Caldera
    • BD: Magma chamber collapses and volcano sinks into itself.
    • MD: Volcano sinking itself in.
Card Set
Science Unit 5
Science Vocabulary