BIO 2130

  1. every 33 feet is another
  2. Medullary contol
    Basic respritory rhythm

    dorsal and ventral
  3. Co2 produced normally, diffuse from tissues into the plasma, turns into bicarbonate, when back at lungs the bicarb ions will switch back to co2,
  4. Co2 dissolved in plasma throughout body, Oxygen as well
  5. Higher CO2
    Lower Ph
  6. In creased CO2
    Lower Ph
  7. Factors that effect curve
    • temp
    • H+
    • Pco2
    • BPG
  8. Oxyhb dissoc curve shows
    how at various pressures the 02 is loaded and unloaded
  9. Hb+O2 is hemogloblin
    once all Hb is bound o2 binds. Hb is now saturated22% unloaded onto tissues
  10. O2 dissolves in
  11. with poor ventilation muscle would contract. and srunch up
  12. Perfusion
    Blood flow in pulm caps
  13. Ventilation
    amount of gas reaching alveoli
  14. dperfusion coupling will be dif in avoli beds
  15. dif presures of gas will be dif in each
  16. int resp
    starts in 104
    then goes to 45
  17. ext pressures -


    starts and ends in 40 in external
  18. gas exchange will always be
  19. CO2 during
    expiration, leaves the body
  20. 02 to blood during
  21. Henrys law.
    Solubility of the gas = pressure of the liquid
  22. Henry's Law
    Mix of gases in contact with liquid will dissolve the liquid in proportion to its partial pressure
  23. Daltons Law
    Partial pressure, sum of each of the % pressure
  24. Gas exchange
    the funtional aspect
  25. Inspiratory reserve volume
    amount that can be inspired beyond tidal
  26. Boyles =
    Pressure and volume inversely
  27. Spirometer
    allows for functional anaylsis of volumes to determine functionality of lungs
  28. the dif types of volumes can tell lungs function
  29. residual volume
    air remaining in lungs after any type of breathing
  30. Expratory reserve volume
    the amount of air that can be exhaled during tidal respritory
  31. Inspiratory reserve volume
    amound that can be inspired beyond tidal
  32. Tidal Volume
    normal resting breathing. 500ml of air
  33. Type 2 cells
    descretes surficant. this breaks apart the surface tension, water mol
  34. Expiration
    Passive, atm is greater inside than outside
  35. inpiration (inhaling)
    active, pressure is greater outside than inside
  36. When pressure is high, the lungs are smaller than normal and the diaphram is relaxed. the volume of the lungs is small and releases the air. this process is passive. Pressure is greater inside than out.

    The atm pressure is less than the interpulmonary pressure. this is exhalation
  37. Lungs want to be small. The aveoli surface tension causes lungs to draw the avoli in together. Pressure is the key to the lungs, when the pressure is high the volume of the lungs is small. (smaller higher pressure) When the pressure is low the volume of the lungs is high. The diaphram is contracting when it expands and becomes flat. this increases the volume potential the pressue goes down the lungs fill up with air. The air goes down the trachea, pharx, bronchials, to the avoli then the O2 goes from the avoli to the cap heads. CO2 is from the cap heads back to the Avoili. When The pressure is down it is lower than the atmospheric pressure. Air flows down into the lungs.

    this is active. atp requires energy
  38. Intapulmonary pressue
    pressure inside of the lungs
  39. Air pressure is Lower outside of the body when lungs are expanding allowing the lungs to fill up
  40. Positive pressure
    Higher than 1hh
  41. Negative pressure is
    -4 mm hg. Lower than atm
  42. Sea level
    1atm. 760hg
  43. Mechanics of breath is based on pressure
    atmospheric pressue internal pressue
  44. CO2, cap to the avoli
  45. avoli to the cap O2
  46. CO2 goes from the
    Cap heads to the avoli
  47. Air goes from the
    Avoli to the capillaries (cap heads)
  48. aviolie is surrounded by cypillaries single layer cells
  49. Pharynx = throat provides a ridged structure
    Larynx+ prevents food from entering
    Trachea = wind pipe
    to the broncia tree
    then ends up in the avoli
  50. Surficant
    reduces surface tension on the alveolus
  51. Type 2 Cells
    scattered among type 1 cells. These cells secrete Surficant
  52. Type one cells
    these have been fused with capillary cells. 1 cell layer thick, all over the cell
  53. Respritory membrane has 2 types of cells
  54. Alveoli are
    engoraged membranous sacs that allow for gas exchange. Gases can diffuse in either direction
  55. Alveoli
    Small cells on the end of the respritory bronchioles. these allow for action to preform. based on the cell thickness and the types of cell
  56. Secondary and tertiary bronchi to terminal bronchiles to respritory bronchi to alveoli
    Main channel principle. Highway into neighbor hood
  57. Cilia
    Expells dust outward toward the pharynx
  58. Trachea
    Extends from the larynx to the lung tissue, provides air to the lungs.

    Lined in smooth muscle. Also with cilia.
  59. Trachea
    Allows for one direction of air flow

    C shape carlilages allow for rigidity
  60. Pharynx
    muscle and cartliage to connect passageways
  61. Paranal Sinuses
    spaces in the skull.

    • Makes skull lighter
    • warms and moistens air
  62. Nose - The place where air enters.
    • Warms and filters air. Cilia filters air.
    • Houses Olfactory receptors
  63. Conducting zone
    The other passage ways that gas exchange does not occure in.
  64. Respritory zone
    site of gas exchange, (respritory bronchioles, alveolar ducts & alveoli)
  65. Internal respiration
    Gas exchange in systemic system and tissue cells
  66. External respiration
    gas exchange between blood and air in lungs
  67. Pulmonary Ventilation
    air change in the lungs
  68. Respiratory system function
    Supply body with oxygen and dispose of CO2
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BIO 2130