Criminal Justice

  1. Crime and justice are issues of public policy. Why?
    • a. they are addressed by thte government.
    • b.they are addressed by intreset gropus
    • c.they are addressed by the people
    • d.they are addressed by the scholars
    • e.they are addressed by children
  2. Scholars who recommend moving away from policeis that create populations of criminals and create new systems focused on justice would also recommend polices that
    • a. criminalize the dangerous acts of poor
    • b. create a correctional system that offers no dignity
    • c. establish economic and social justice
    • d. all of these
    • e. none of these
  3. According to the text, which of the following groups favor stricter enforcement law?
    • a. liberals
    • b. conservatives
    • c. moderates
    • d. anarchists
    • e.communists
  4. In which of Packer's modles would the adversarial system be most likely used?
    • a. due process
    • b. legislative inquiry
    • c. crime contol
    • d. consitiutional libility
    • e. fascist stat
  5. The goals of controlling crime and protecting the rights of individuals are
    • a. impossible to achieve
    • b. easy to achieve.
    • c. difficult to achieve
    • d. not necessary to achieve
    • e. none of these
  6. A model of the criminal justice system tat emphasizes efficency, speed, and finality and the capacity to apprehend , try, convict, and dispose of a high proportions of offenders is called the
    • a. crime control model
    • b. due process model
    • c. constitutional model
    • d. democratic model
    • e. equal protection model.
  7. A model of the criminal justice system that emphasizes the adversarial process, the rights of the defendants and the formal decision-making procedures is called the
    • a. crime control model
    • b. due process model
    • c. constitutional model
    • d. democratic model
    • e. equal protection model.
  8. Which of the following are values that must be respected in a democracy by police, prosecutors, judges, and correctional officals?
    • a. rule of law
    • b. civil liberties
    • c. justice
    • d. privacy
    • e. all of these
  9. Crimes, such as murder or assault, that are traditonally "wrong in themselves" are called
    • a. Mala prohibita
    • b. Mala in se
    • c. misdemeanors
    • d. norms
    • e. victimology
  10. Crimes, such as gambling or prostitiution, that are not "wrong in themselves" but are prohibited by the government are called
    • a. Mala prohibita
    • b. Mala in se
    • c. misdemeanors
    • d. norms
    • e. victimology
  11. Criminal acts often termed "street crime" or "ordinary crime" that are the least profitable and least protected are called
    • a. political crime
    • b. victimless crime
    • c. visible crime
    • d. organized crime
    • e. occupational crime
  12. An example of visible crime is
    • a. murder
    • b. espionage
    • c. public drunkenness
    • d. price fixing
    • e. treason
  13. Crimes committed in the context of a legal business or profession are called
Card Set
Criminal Justice
Chapter 1