Psyc 2

  1. Learning
    is a relative permanet change in an organism's behavior dur to exsperience
  2. How we learn
    • 1. Classical Conditioning
    • 2.Operant Conditioning
    • 3. Learning by observation
  3. Classical Conditioning
    a type of learning in which an organism comes to associate stimuli.
  4. What happens in classical conditiong
    in classical conditioning a UR is an event that occurs naturally (salvation),inresponse to some stimulus. a US is somthing that naturally and automatically triggers the unlearned response(food and salvation). a CS is an originally neutral stimulus(tone),that through learning, ,comes to be associated with some unlearned response(salvating). a CR is the learned stimulus. classical conditioning occurs most readily when a CS is presented hust before a US, preparing the organism for the upcoming event
  5. Acqustion
    initial learnign stage in clasical conditioning in which an association between a neutral stimulus and un conditioned stimulus
  6. Reinforcement
    any event that strenghtens the behavior it follows
  7. primary reinforcer
    an innately reinforcing stimulus like food or drink
  8. hippocampus
    a neural center in the limbic system that processes explicit memories
  9. james lange theory
    psycological then emotion

    proposes that psysiological activity precedse the emotional exsperiences
  10. Cannon-bard theory
    same time

    proposes that an emotion triggering stimulus and the bodys arousal takes place simutaniously
  11. schacter two factor thoery
    physiology and cognition create emotions have two factors physical arousal and cognitive label
  12. Cause of anger
    people generally becaome angry with friends and loved ones who commit wrong doings especially if they are willful,unjustified and aviodable
  13. explict memory
    refers to facts and exsperiences that one can consciously know and declare
  14. inplicit memory
    involves learning on action while the individual does not know or declares what she know
  15. Chunking
    oragnizing items into familar mangeable units
  16. Freud-Repressionfrom consciouseness
    is a defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings and memories
  17. encoding
    processing of information into the memory system

    • by meaning
    • by images
    • by organitzation
  18. retrival
    getting information out of memory storage
  19. storage
    retention of encoded information over time
  20. memory order
    • encoding
    • storage
    • retrieval
  21. relative deprivation
    the perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one comapres oneself
  22. homeostasis
    tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state
  23. motivation
    a need or desire that energizes behavior and directs it towards a goal
  24. emotion
    the bodies adaptive response
  25. maslow heierchy of needs
    • 5.self-actualization
    • (need to live up to potential)
    • 4. esteem needs
    • (need for acheivement,recognition and respect from others)
    • 3. belonging and love needs
    • (need to love and be loved, to belong)
    • 2. safety needs
    • (feel safe secure and stable)
    • 1.psysiological needs
    • (satisfy hunger and thirst)
  26. Bulimia
    episodes of over eating, followed by vomiting using laxitives,fasting or exssesive excerising
  27. anerexia
    a condition in which a normal weight person,continuously loses weight but still feels overweight
  28. Drive reduction theory
    the idea that physiological needs need creates an aroused tension state (drive)that motivates an organism to satisfy the need
  29. happiness
    engage in challenging activity
  30. crucial ingredient in learning
Card Set
Psyc 2
Psyc test 2 chapt 7,8,10,11