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- is responsible for moving the framework of the body
- Muscular System
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
ability to be stimulated
Excitability (irritability)
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
ability to contract, or shorten, and produce body movement
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
ability to extend, or stretch, thereby allowing muscles to return to their resting length
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
Plasma membrane of muscle fibers
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
network of tubules and sacs found within muscle fibers
T tubules
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
network of tubules and sacs in muscle cells, similiar to endoplasmic reticulum of other cells
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
numerous fine fibers packed close together in sarcoplasm
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
contractile unit of muscle cells; length of a myofibril between two Z disks
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
very rapid, providing energy during first minutes of maximal exercise, may occur when low levels of O2 is available, results in formation of lactic acid which requires oxygen to convert back to glucose
Anaerobic Respiration
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
occurs when adequate o2 is available from blood, slower than anaerobic respiration, thus supply energy for the long term rather than the short term
Aerobic Respiration
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
muscle fibers with high levels of myoglobin
Red Fibers
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
muscle fibers with little myoglobin
White Fibers
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
motor neurons connect to the sarcolemma at the motor endplate
Neuromuscular Junction
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
the neurotransmitter released into the synaptic cleft that diffuses across the gap, stimulates the receptors, and initiates an impulse in the sarcolemma
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
globular protein that forms two fibrous strands twisted around each other to form the bulk of the think filament
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
protein that blocks the active sites on the actin molecules
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
protein that holds tropomyosin molecules in place
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
makes up almost all the thick filament, the "heads" are cheically attracted to actin molecules, "heads" are know as cross bridges when attached to actin
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
attaches to both Z disks (Z lines) of a sarcomere and extend part way toward the center
Thin Filaments
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
do not attach to the Z disks
Thick myosin filaments
(Funcion of Skeletal Muscle Tissue)
contraction produces waste heat that can be used to help maintain the set point body temperature
Skeletal Muscle
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
motor neuron plus the muscle fibers to which it attaches
Motor Unit
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
method of graphing the changing tension of a muscle as it contracts
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
A quick jerk of a muscle that is produced as a result of a single, brief threshold stimulus(generally occurs only in experimental situations)
Twitch Contractions
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
Nerve impulse travels to the sarcoplasmic reticulum to trigger release of Ca++
Latent Phase
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
Ca++ binds to troponin and sliding of filaments occurs
Contraction Phase
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
sliding of filaments cease
Relaxation Phase
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
the staircase phenomenon, gradual, steplike increase in the strength of contraction that is seen in a series of twitch contractions that occur 1 second apart,
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
smooth, sustained contractions
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
multiple twitch waves are added together to sustain muscle tension for a longer time
Multiple Wave Summation
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
very short periods of relaxation occur between peaks of tension
Incomplete Tetanus
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
the stimulation is such that twithc waves fuse into a single, sustained peak
Complete Tetanus
(Function of Skeletal Muscle Organs)
continual, partial contraction of a muscle
Tonic Contraction
(Graded Strength Principle)
Contraction in which the tone or tension within a muscle remain the same as the lenght of the muscle changes
Isotonic Contraction
(Graded Strength Principle)
muscle shortens as it contracts
(Graded Strength Principle)
muscle lengthens while contracting
(Graded Strength Principle)
the body tries to maintain constancy of muscle lenght in response to increased load
Stretch Reflexes
(Graded Strength Principle)
means "same tension"
(Graded Strength Principle)
Contraction in which muscle lenght remains the same while muscle tension increase
Isometric Contraction
(Graded Strength Principle)
literally means "same length"
(Function of Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Tissue)
continuous, electrically coupled mass