Microbiology Vocabulary

  1. Acidophile
  2. Acute Infection
  3. Aerobe
    Requires oxygen
  4. Agglutination
  5. Algae
  6. Anaerobe
    Cannot live in the presence of oxygen
  7. Antibody
  8. Antigen
  9. Antimicrobial
  10. Antisepsis
  11. Aseptic Technique
  12. Autotroph
  13. Bacillus
    Rod-shaped bacteria
  14. Bacteria
  15. Bacteriocidal
    Bacteria killing
  16. Bacteriophage
    Virus infected bacteria
  17. Bacteriostatic
  18. Calor
  19. Capsid
  20. Chemotaxis
  21. Coccus
    Circle-shaped bacteria O
  22. Colony
  23. Competitive Inhibition
  24. Condiospore
  25. Conjugation
  26. Contaminant
  27. Cyst
  28. Decomposers
  29. Decontamination
  30. Denature
  31. Differential Stain
  32. Diffusion
  33. Dimorphic
  34. Diplococci
  35. Disinfection
  36. Dolor
  37. Endemic
  38. Endoyctosis
  39. Endospore
  40. Endotoxin
  41. Enriched Media
  42. Epidemic
  43. Eukaryote
  44. Extremophile
  45. Facultative Anerobe
  46. Fastidious
  47. Fomite
  48. Fungi
  49. Gene
  50. Genome
  51. Gram Negative
  52. Gram Positive
  53. Halophiles
  54. Helminth
  55. Heterotroph
  56. Hyphae
  57. Incidence Rate
  58. Inducible Operon
  59. Intron
  60. Lag Phase
  61. Latent
  62. Log Phase
  63. Lyophilization
  64. Macronutrient
    Essential nutrient needed in large amounts
  65. Micronutrient
    Essential nutrient needed in small amounts. Trace Elements
  66. Mesophile
  67. MIC
  68. Microorganism
  69. Mixed Culture
  70. Morbidity
  71. Mortality
  72. mRNA
  73. tRNA
  74. rRNA
  75. Mutation
  76. Mutualistic
  77. Mycosis
  78. Neutralization
  79. Non-specific Defenses
  80. Nosocomial Infection
  81. Oncogenic
  82. Operon
  83. Opportunistic Pathogen
  84. Osmosis
  85. Palisade
    Bacteria arrangement, side by side
  86. Pandemic
  87. Parasitic
  88. Pasteurization
  89. Pathogen
  90. Peptidoglycan
  91. Periplasmic Flagella
  92. Phage
  93. Phototroph
  94. Plaque
  95. Plasmid
  96. Prion
  97. Prokaryote
  98. Prophylactic
  99. Psychrophile
  100. Pure Culture
  101. Pyrogen
  102. Replication
  103. Repressible Operon
  104. Reservoirs
  105. Reticuloendothelial System
  106. Reverse Transcription
  107. Rubor
  108. Sanitation
  109. Saprobe
  110. Secondary Infection
  111. Septicemia
  112. Sequelae
  113. Simple Stain
  114. Specific Defenses
  115. Spirochete
  116. Spornagiospore
  117. Staph
  118. Sterile
  119. Strep
  120. Superinfection
  121. Thermophile
  122. Toxemia
  123. Transcription
  124. Translation
  125. Trophozoite
  126. Tumor
  127. Virus
  128. Zoonotic Pathogen
Card Set
Microbiology Vocabulary
Final Exam