Chuck Ward

  1. What are the characteristics of these elements
    2 electrons in the outer shell highly active very colorful--fire works
  2. What groups of elements is immediately to the left of the inert gases
  3. What are the characteristics of these elemet
    7 electrons in their outer shell highly reactive
  4. what is matter
    made of atoms and molecules
  5. how many states of matter are there
  6. what are they
    solid, gas, liquid, plasma, Bose-Einstein
  7. What are the characteristics of acids
    0-7 on the pH scale sour taste destroy the property of bases
  8. what are the characteristics of bases
    7-14 on the pH scale bitter taste
  9. define pH scale
    measure how acid and basic solution 7 is neutral
  10. define a chemical reaction
    occurs when 2 or more molecules interested and something takes place
  11. what is a chemical equation
    show the product form from chemical reaction from 2 or more reactions and amounts needed to produce the action
  12. water
    is extremely stable
  13. electron
    are massless have no weight
  14. what kinds of elements are found on the left side of the table
  15. what kind of elements are on the right side of the table
    non metals
  16. what are elements called are found on the right side of the table
  17. are the properties of compounds the same as the properties of the element they contain
  18. define a molecule
    smallest of a compound and have the property of the compound
  19. what does a chemical formula represent
    chemical make of substance
  20. Na, So
    Na sodium, Sulpher, O oxygen
  21. define a mixture
    compose of 2 or more substance to keep their original properties separate by physical means
  22. compare and contrast mixtures and compounds
    mixture separate by physical means compound separate by chemical means
  23. what are the areas in which electrons are found in an atom
  24. how are orbits designated
    shells K2, L8, M8, N18, O32, P18, Q8
  25. what group of elements is on the far left of the table
    alkali metals
  26. characteristics of the elements
    highly reactive
  27. What are atoms
    basic unit of matter having a nuclues surrounded by electrons
  28. how small are atoms
    .000000000045 per inch
  29. how many different types of atoms have we discovered
  30. name 3 particles found in a atoms
    protons, neutrons, eletrons
  31. what do we call a substance made from just one type of atom
  32. can we change one element into another element
    No not by chemical means
  33. Can we break an element down into is simplier substance using chemical reaction
  34. each element is represented by letters called
  35. what letter represents nitrogen
  36. Gold is represented by what letters
  37. what do we call the chart in which all of the elements are arranged
    periodic table
  38. In this table what are the similar elements called that are found in vertical columns
  39. what do we call the horizontal rows
  40. assessment
    process of gathering information about student leaning for decision making
  41. diagnostic
    using assessment before teaching students to decide what specific experiences will best encourage student's learning progress
  42. formative
    collecting data on student learning during a lesson
  43. summative
    assessments taht come after instruction
  44. informal
    involves teachers asking students questions, listening to what they say watching what they do in learning performance and examining the products from their performance
  45. traditional
    assessment typically use multiple choice, true-false, short and essay items
  46. performance
    • assessments are typically sent in authentic contexts and often have the look and feel of regular hands-on learning situation.
    • data tables, graphs, models, reports, written explanations,science projects, and problem solutions
  47. evaluation
    involves using assessment data in judging student performance and making decisions about learning and instruction
  48. What are the science standards
    national science education standards and the standards of the various states define goals that should be achieved in science at different grade levels
  49. where are students now
    a strong knowledge base is important bt emphasis must also be placed on students understanding applying conceptsm and principles, as well as on their being able to use a variety of science processess and investigative procedures
  50. how are students going to get there
    the purpose of classroom assessment is to improve learning and instructions, in light of standards and lesson objectives
  51. 5 main attitudes, values, and habits of mind are especially relevant to successful inquiry in elementary and middle school classrooms
    • being curious
    • insisting on evidence
    • seeking to appy science knowledge
    • being willing to critically evaluate ideas
    • working cooperatively
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Chuck Ward
key terms