Emotion Regulation
- Individual differences in intensity, frequency, and duration of emotions
- Balance of emotions by individual
- Essential to socialization
- Processes involved in modifying emotional reactions --> The coping processes that lessen or augment the intensity of experiences
NOT successful in regulating emotions
Keys to Regulating Emotion
- Shifting attention and reappraisals
- Often accomplished by concentrating on what one is doing
The Strange Situation Test (Ainsworth 1978)
Infants' emotional reactions to brief seperation from and reunions with their caregivers
Styles of Attatchment
- Securely Attached
- Ambivantly Attached
- Avoidantly Attached
Securely Attatched (Styles of Attatchment)
Distressed when caregivers leave
Ambivantly Attached (Styles of Attatchment)
Wants to be near caregiver upon their return, but will not be comforted
Avoidantly Attached (Styles of Attatchment)
Makes no effort to interact with caregivers
Main & Solomo 1986 (Extra Style of Attatchment)
- Disoriented/Disorganized Style
- Infants respond with disorientation and contradictory behaviors
Internal Working Models of Attachment
- A mental model, or set of beliefs, of what to expect in an intimate relationship
- Based on early emotional interactions with caregivers
- For the basis of a persisting emotional basis
The Influenes of Childhood Experiences on Future Parenting
- 75% of secure/autonomous women had securly attached 1 year olds
- 73% of preoccupied or dismissing women had insecurely attached 1 year olds
Warmth and Socialization of Emotion
Parental warmth and affection influence childhood friendships, social skills, and many other aspects of children's later emotional well-being
Effect of Modeling (Warmth and Socialization of Emotion)
- A parent acts as a model for children who are then more likely to perform the same kinds of behavior
- Very important in passing on messages about what emotions to display, and how
Emotion Contagion
The way that children can produce the same emotions as people they observe
Effects of Temperament on Adult Personality
- Studied kids at 8, ill-tempered or shy, and followed up 30 years later
- More than likely still the same as adults
- Girls who were shy as kids were shy asa adults, but not nearly as drastic as boys
- Temperament is inherited
Big 5
- O peness
- C
onscientiousness- E
xtrovetedness- A
greeableness- N
Differnces in Temperament/Personality Affect How We Construe the World
- Extraverts engage in full social love situations because they see social situations as fun and rewarding
- Introverts see the same situation in terms of threat and awkwardness