Bible Test Ch. 7&8

  1. Nature of Gospels (2)
    • 1. not written by Jesus
    • 2. 4 of them
  2. Historical Context of Jesus Particular(3)
    • 1. what context? (none)
    • 2. ask "who was Jesus' audience?"
    • 3. emphasis on story's final thought
  3. Historical Context of Jesus Generally (3)
    • 1. He was Jewish
    • 2. taught in parables
    • 3. taught in proverbs, irony, poetry, etc.
  4. Historical Context of Evangelists (3)
    • 1. evangelists were gospel writers
    • 2. evangelists wrote w/ a certain bend
    • 3. evangelists were prompted to write by interests & concerns
  5. Think Horizonatally (3)
    • 1. look for parallels w/in the 4 Gospels
    • 2. not written independently
    • 3. appreciate uniqueness of Gospels
  6. Think Vertically (2)
    • 1. see what you're reading as Word of God
    • 2. be aware of Jesus' life
  7. Gospels as a Whole (2)
    • 1. evangelists were authors, not compilers
    • 2. evangelists selected, arranged, & adapted narratives that suited their purposes
  8. Teachings & Imperatives (3)
    • 1. not law
    • 2. our salvation does not depend on it
    • 3. example for us to follow
  9. Narratives (1)
    1. read w/ understanding about what else is happening
  10. Final Word (3)
    • 1. eschatology (study of end times)
    • 2. NT believers thought they were in end times
    • 3. we do too
  11. Parables are often...
    misunderstood or misinterpreted.
  12. Parables in History (4)
    • 1. harden those on outside
    • 2. contain mysteries for those on inside
    • 3. about human relationships
    • 4. understand the audience
  13. Kind of Parables & Descriptions (2)
    • 1. True Parable
    • -beginning & end
    • -plot
    • 2. Similitude
    • -illustrations of everyday life
  14. Function of parables is...
    to call forth a response from hearer.
  15. Points of Reference (2)
    • 1. what draws you into it?
    • 2. what is the intended response?
  16. Audience (2)
    • 1. given in many parables
    • 2. reread until find who is "caught"
  17. Parables of Kingdom tell us (2)
    • 1. judgment is impending
    • 2. salvation is free for all
  18. Hermaneutical ?s tell us to (2)
    • 1. translate parables into our own context
    • 2. proclaim kingdom
  19. A pericope is ...
    an individual saying or story (called a "pronouncement story")
  20. The Synoptic Gospels are (3)
    • 1. Matthew
    • 2. Mark
    • 3. Luke
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Bible Test Ch. 7&8
Study Guide for bible test on chapters 7 & 8.