Communication EX3

  1. stopping
    change of a target fricative/affricate to a stop “juice” to [dus]
  2. Fronting
    • change of a target velar and/or palatal to an alveolar- “cat” [kaet]
    • to [taet]
  3. Deaffrication
    change of a target affricate to a fricative “choo choo” is [ShuShu]
  4. Gliding
    • substitution of a glide for a target liquid (/l/ or /r/)
    • "blue" is [bwu]
  5. Vocalization
    • change of a target post vocalic /l/, /r/ or rhotic vowel to
    • a non-rhotic vowel
    • “pear” /pEU/
  6. labial assimilation
    • change of a target non-labial (non-alveolar/velar) sound to
    • match a labial sound in the word
    • – Labial assimilation: “cap”: target [kæp][pæp]
    • – Alveolar assimilation: “doggy”: target [dɔgɪ][dɔdɪ]
    • – Velar assimilation: “kitty”: target [kɪtɪ][kɪkɪ]
  7. Pre‐vocalic voicing
    • is the change of a target voiceless sound to a voiced sound before a vowel (to match voicing of vowel).
    • – Example: “cup” target [kʌp][ɡʌp]
  8. Final devoicing
    • is the change of a voiced
    • sound to voiceless at the end of a word (to match silence at end).
    • – Example: “bug”: target [bʌg][bʌk]
  9. Glottal replacement
    • is change of a target consonant to a glottal stop.
    • – Example: “lip”: target [lɪp][Ɂɪp]
  10. Backing
    • is the change of a consonant that is
    • normally produced farther forward in the mouth to a velar consonant.
    • – Example: “push”: target [pʊʃ][pʊk]
  11. Initial consonant deletion
    • involves the elision of word initial consonants (does NOT fit typical CV pattern)
    • – Example: “cat”: target [kæt][æt]
  12. Stop replacing glide
    Example: “yes”: target [jɛs][dɛs]
  13. Fricative replacing stop
    Example: “poopoo”: target [pupu][fufu
Card Set
Communication EX3
Ex 3