- - 1st king of Athens
- - autochthonous
Theseus' friend
They go to the underworld together to get Persephone for Pirithous to marry.
End up getting stuck there
- powerful sorceress
- convinces Aegeus that Theseus is not his real son
- tries to poison Theseus
Cephalus and Procris
Cephalus (in ovid's roman version - all three daughters of Cecrops survive). He is the son of Herse and Mars/Hermes
marries procris; he tricks her into agreeing to sleep with someone else; she runs to Minos (crete) cures his scorpion / spider cum. gives her gifts, she uses them to trick her husband in the same way --> they are fine now
then she spies on him to see if he is cheating with dawn, runs to him, he sees a wild animal --> kills her
eaten by his own hounds b/c he accidentally sees Artemis bathing
Pandion, Philomena, Procne, Tereus, and Itys
- - Pandion - king of Athens after Erichthonius. 2 daughters Procne and Philomena.
- - Tereus (king of thrace) - marries Procne, but then kidnaps and rapes Philomena
- - they get revenge by cutting up Itys (procne's son) and serving him to Tereus
- - Early king of Athens, succeed Cecrops
- - born when Hephaestus jizzes on Athena's leg, she wipes it off and drops on ground
- - half man half snake
Themistocles - not really important
- - Athenian king that made Athens the great naval power of the world - spend all money on great fleet which defeated the Persians
- - end of Golden age
Erechtheus - not that important? --> Cecrops (2), Pandion (2) --> Pallas and Aegeus
- Erechtheus - king after Pandion 1. Brother of Procne and Philomena
- - has kids second Pandion (king of Athens) and second Cecrops (king of Megara)
- second Pandion has twins Pallas and Aegeus
Aglaurus, Herse, Pandrosus - important-ish?
- - daughters of Cecrops
- - given baby Erichthonius in basket, told not to look inside --> only P. obeys, the other two fall ot their death
- - another version, they all survive, Herse sleeps with Mars/Hermes (roman version) -> pandion?
Pisistrautus / Cimon
- popularized the myths of theseus for their own political means
Electryon, Alcmena, Amphytrion
Electryon - king of Mycenae, son of Perseus. 9 sons, one daughter - Alcmena. *8 of nine sons killed by pirates, Electryon is going to avenge, leave kingdom and daughter to nephew Amphytrion. But A. kills him before he can leave
A goes to avenge uncle and cousins, sleeps with Alcmena when he comes back --> kind of father to Heracles