P.T.C. - Heavy Equipment Operations Trade Terms Quiz (Module 6)

  1. 1. The point indicating where the fill slope stops and the road or shoulder grade begins is called the _____.
    Hinge point (HP)
  2. 2. A(n) _____ is a reading taken on a leveling rod to determine an unknown elevation; used in conjunction with backsight and instrument height.
  3. 3. Ground that forms a natural or artificial incline upward or downward is called a _____.
  4. 4. The area of the roadway between the shoulder and the ditch is called the _____.
  5. 5. A _____ is a reading taken on a leveling rod held at a known elevation, which is used to determine the height of the leveling instrument.
    Backsight (BS)
  6. 6. A _____ is the distance above or below sea level or other reference point.
  7. 7. _____ is the surface of a road, channel, or natural ground area.
  8. 8. A _____ is a lath set with markings to indicate the final grade at a certain point.
    Crows foot
  9. 9. The side view of a proposed construction project is called the _____.
  10. 10. _____ is any surface that has been cut or built to the elevation indicated for that point.
    Finished grade (FG)
  11. 11. _____ is the area between the ditch line and a backslope stake.
  12. 12. The proportion or relationship in quantity, amount, or size between two or more things is called the _____.
    Ratio (:)
  13. 13. Any type of marker that is used to mark cut, fill, and grade information, underground utilities, or survey points is called a(n) _____.
  14. 14. The system developed by the U.S. military to provide precise information for the movement of military vehicles, equipment, and personnel is called the _____.
    Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system
  15. 15. The plotting and correcting of irregularities of the ground to a definite limit of grade and alignment is called _____.
    Grade work
  16. 16. The _____ is the uppermost level of material placed in embankment or left at cuts in the normal grading of a road bed.
  17. 17. The _____ is the point on stakes or drawings which indicates the halfway point between two sides.
    Center line
  18. 18. The description and delineation of natural and man-made features of an area are called _____ features.
  19. 19. _____ is the process in which a substance, such as soil, is slowly washed away by rain, wind, or other causes.
  20. 20. The original ground elevation before any excavation has been done is called _____.
    Natural Ground
  21. 21. A temporary point of known or assumed elevation from which surveyors can establish all their grades for a particular job is called _____.
    Temporary bench mark (TBM)
  22. 22. _____ is the line through the leveling instrument as viewed by the eye.
    Line of Sight
  23. 23. Manufactured or natural rock or soil that has a specific size characteristic is a(n) _____.
  24. 24. _____ is the vertical distance from the bench mark to the line of sight (also called backsight) of the instrument.
    Height of instrument (HI)
  25. 25. _____ are points-of-origin stakes that identify a point on the ground.
  26. 26. The longitudinal distance of a point of a roadway from the starting or reference point is called the _____.
    Station number
  27. 27. A permanent point of known or assumed elevation from which surveyors can establish their grades is called a _____.
    Bench mark (BM)
  28. 28. _____ is a stake from which measurements and grades are established.
    Reference stake (RS)
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P.T.C. - Heavy Equipment Operations Trade Terms Quiz (Module 6)
Trade Terms Quiz Questions (and answers,) for the Heavy Equipment Operations program offered through Pennsylvania Training Consultants (P.T.C.) -Module (Chapter) 6