Abnormal Psych Text 3.txt

  1. Chapter 7
    • AIDS-related complex (ARC)
    • Group of minor health problems such as weight loss, fever and night sweats that appears after HIV infection but before development of full blown AIDS
  2. Autoimmune Disease
    Condition in which the bodys immune system attacks healthy tissue rather than antigens
  3. Cardiovascular Disease
    Afflictions in the mechanisms, including the heart, blood vessels, and their controllers, that are responsible for transporting blood to the body's tissues and organs. Psychological factors may play important roles in such diseases and their treatments.
  4. Chronic Pain
    Enduring pain that does not decrease over time; may occur in muscles, joints, and the lower back;and may be due to enlarged blood vessels or degenerating or cancerous tissue. Other significant factors are social and psychological.
  5. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
    Blockage of the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle, a major cause of death in Western culture, with social and psychological factors involved.
  6. Endogenous Opiod
    Substances occurring naturally throughout the body that function like neurotransmitters to shut down pain sensation even in the presence of marked tissue damage. These may contribute to psychological problems such as eating disorders. Also known as endorphins or enkephalins.
  7. General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)
    Sequence of reactions to sustained stress described by Hans Selye. These stages are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion, which may lead to death.
  8. Hypertension
    Also known as high blood pressure; a major risk factor for stroke and heart and kidney disease that is intimately related to psychological factors
  9. Relaxation Response
    Active components of meditation methods, including repetitive thoughts of a sound to reduce distracting thoughts and closing the mind to other intruding thoughts, that decrease the flow of stress hormones and neurotransmitters and cause a feeling of calm
  10. Stress
    Body's physiological response to a stressor, which is any event or change that requires adaptation
  11. HPA Axis
  12. Cordisol
  13. Relationship of Self-control and self efficacy
  14. T-helper cells & aids
  15. Miocardial infartion
  16. Heart function & stress
  17. Endorphines
  18. Chapter 8
    • Anorexia nervosa
    • Eating disorder characterized by recurrent food refusal leading to dangerously low body weight
  19. Binge
    Relatively brief episode of uncontrolled, excessive consumption, usually of food or alcohol
  20. Binge-eating disorder (BED)
    Pattern of eating involving distress-inducing binges not followed by purging behaviors; being considered as a new DSM diagnostic category
  21. Bulimia nervosa
    Eating disorder involving recurrent episodes of uncontrolled excessive (binge) eating followed by compensatory actions to remove the food (e.g. deliberate vomiting, laxative abuse, excessive exercise)
  22. Hypersomnia
    Abnormally excessive sleep; a person with this condition will fall asleep several times a day.
  23. Narcolepsy
    Sleep disorder involving sudden and irresistible sleep attacks
  24. Parasomnia
    Abnormal behaviors such as nightmares or sleepwalking that occur during sleep
  25. Primary insomnia
    Difficulty in initiating, maintaining, or gaining from sleep; not related to other medical or psychological problems
  26. Purging technique
    In the eating disorder bulimia nervosa, the self-induced vomiting or laxative abuse used to compensate for excessive food ingestion
  27. Sleep apnea
    Disorder involving brief period when breathing ceases during sleep
  28. Sleep efficiency (SE)
    Percentage of time actually spent sleeping of the total time spent in bed
  29. Treatments For Bulimia
  30. Relationship btwn alcohol & sleep
  31. What helps regulate sleep/wake cycles
  32. Chapter 9
  33. Fetishism
    Long-term, recurring, intense sexually arousing urges, fantasies, or behavior involving the use of nonliving, unusual objects, which cause distress or impairment in life functioning
  34. Gender identity disorder
    Psychological dissatisfaction with ones own biological gender, a disturbance in the sense of ones identity as male or female. The primary goal is not sexual arousal but rather to live the life of the opposite gender
  35. Gender nonconformity
  36. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
    Apparent lack of interest in sexual activity or fantasy that would not be expected considering the persons age and life situation
  37. Paraphilia
    Sexual disorders and deviations in which sexual arousal occurs almost exclusively in the context of inappropriate objects or individuals
  38. Sexual aversion disorder
    Extreme and presistent dislike of sexual contact or similar activities
  39. Sexual arousal disorder
  40. Sexual pain disorder
    Recurring genital pain in either males or females before, during. or after sexual intercourse
  41. Sexual sadism
    Paraphilia in which sexual arousal is associated with inflicting pain or humiliation
  42. Erotophobia
  43. Similarities in Exhibitionism & Voyerism
  44. Chapter 10
  45. Agonist substitution
    Replacement of a drug on which a person is dependent with one having a similar chemical makeup, an agonist. Used as a treatment for substance dependence
  46. Alcohol use disorder
    Cognitive, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with alcohol use and abuse
  47. Amphetamine use disorder
    Psychological, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with amphetamine use and abuse
  48. Antagonist drug
    Medications that block or counteract the effects of psychoactive drugs
  49. Barbiturate
    Sedative (and addictive) drugs including Amytal, Seconal and Nembutal that are used as sleep aids
  50. Benzodiazepine
    Antianxiety drugs including Valium, Xanax, Dalmane and Halcoin also used to treat insomnia. Effective against Anxiety (and, at high potency, panic disorder), they show some side effects such as cognitive and motor impairment and may result in dependence and addiction. Relapse rates are extremely high when the drug is discontinued
  51. Caffeine use disorder
    Cognitive, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with the use and abuse of caffeine
  52. Cocaine use disorder
    Cognitive, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with the use and abuse of Cocaine
  53. Depressant
    Psychoactive substances that result in behavioral sedation, including alcohol and the sedative, hypnotic. and anxiolytic drugs
  54. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
    Pattern of problems including learning difficulties, behavior deficits, and characteristic physical flaws, resulting from heavy drinking by the victims mother when she was pregnant with the victim
  55. Hallucinogen
    Any psychoactive substance such as LSD or marijuana that can produce delusions, hallucinatiuons, paranoia, and altered sensory perception
  56. Hallucinogen use disorder
    Cognitive, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with the use and abuse of hallucinogenic substances
  57. Impulse-control disorder
    Disorders in which a person acts on an irresistible and potentially harmful impulse
  58. Kleptomania
    A recurrent failure to resist urges to steal things that are not needed for personal use or their monetary value
  59. LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide)
    Most common hallucinogenic drug; a synthetic version of the grain fungus ergot
  60. Marijuana
    Dried part of the hemp plant, a hallucinogen that is the most widely used illegal substance
  61. Opiate
    Addictive psychoactive substances such as heroin, opium and morphine that cause temporary euphoria and analgesia (pain reduction)
  62. Opioid use disorder
    Cognitive, biological, behavioral and social problems associated with the use and abuse of opiates and their synthetic variants
  63. Pathological gambling
    Presistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior
  64. Psychoactive substance
    Substances, such as drugs, that alter mood or behavior
  65. Pyromania
    An impulse-control disorder that involves having an irresistible urge to set fires
  66. Stimulant
    Psychoactive substances that elevate mood, activity, and alertness, including amphetamines, caffeine, cocaine, and nicotine
  67. Substance abuse
    Pattern of psychoactive substance use leading to significant distress or impairment in social and occupational roles and hazardous situations
  68. Substance dependence
    Maladaptive pattern of substance use characterized by the need for increased amounts to achieve the desired effect, negative physical effects when the substance is withdrawn, unsuccessful efforts to control its use, and substantial effort expended to seek it or recover from its effects
  69. Substance-related disorder
    Range of problems associated with the use and abuse of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and other substances people use to alter the way the think, feel, and behave. These are extremely costly in human and financial terms
  70. Tolerance
    Need for increased amounts of a substance to achieve the desired effect, and a diminished effect with continued use of the same amount
  71. Trichotillomania
    The urge to pull out one's own hair from anywhere on the body, including scalp, eyebrowns, and arm
  72. Withdrawal
    Severly negative physiological reaction to removal of a psychoactive substance which can be alleviated by the same or similar substance
  73. Withdrawal delirium
    Frightening hallucinations and body tremors that result when a heavy drinker withdraws from alcohol. Also known as delirium tremens.
  74. Delirium Tremums
    Same as Withdrawal Ddelirium (frightening hallucinations & body tremors that result when a heavy drinker withdraws from alcohol)
  75. Features of amphetamine intoxication
  76. Examples of different drugs from different classes (the common drugs)
  77. Analgesics
  78. Dopamine
  79. Consequences of longterm drinking
  80. Anxiolytic
  81. Antianxiety drugs
  82. Antebuse
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Abnormal Psych Text 3.txt