Histo- Endocrine Glands

  1. The Pituitary Gland Consists of 3 major parts:
    • Neurohypophysis
    • Hypophoseal Cavity
    • Adenohypohysis (Pars Distalis, Pars Intermedia, Pars Tuberalis)
  2. Anterior Pituitary is A.K.A
  3. Posterior Pituitary is A.K.A.
  4. Hormones produced by the Adenohyophysis (6)
    • GH
    • Prolactin
    • THS
    • FSH
    • LH
    • ACTH
  5. What plays a role in seasonal repro cycles?
    • Pars Tuberalis
    • (of the Adenohypophysis)
  6. Parts of Adenohypophysis (3):
    • Pars Distalis
    • Pars Intermedia
    • Pars Tuberalis
  7. Cells w/in the Pars Distalis
    • Acidophils
    • Basophils
    • Chromophobes
  8. Acidophils produce (2):
    • GH (Somatrophin)
    • Prolactin

    Pars Distalis
  9. Basophils Produce (4):
    • TSH
    • FSH
    • LH
    • ACTH

    Pars Distalis
  10. Hypothalmic components of the neurohypophysis (2):
    • Supraoptic Nuclei
    • Paraventricular Nuclei
  11. The supraoptic nuclei produces:
    Vasopressin/Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
  12. The paraventricular nuclei produce:
  13. Glial Cells of the Neurohypophysis (2):
    • Pituicytes
    • Microglial Cells
  14. Pituicytes are modified...
  15. Herring Bodies are _____ containing ____
    • Enlarged Axon Terminals
    • Neurosecretory Granules
  16. Epithelium of thyroid follicles:
    Low cuboidal (inactive) - High Cuboidal (active)
  17. Resting thyroid cells contain _____
  18. Thyroid Follicular Cells produce:
    T3 and T4
  19. Thyroid Parafollicular cells secrete ____
  20. Neurohypophyseal hormones are classified as _______
    • Neurosecretory Hormones
    • (ADH & Oxytocin)
  21. Thyroid Cell types (2):
    • Follicular
    • Parafollicular
  22. Parathyroid Cell Types (4):
    • Light Principal Cells
    • Dark Principal Cells
    • Transitional Cells
    • Oxyphillic Cells (horses and L Ruminants)
  23. 3 Basic Layers of the Adrenal Gland:
    • Capsule
    • Cortex
    • Medulla
  24. Layers within the cortex of the Adrenal Gland
    • Zona Glomerulosa
    • Zona Fasciculata
    • Zona Reticularis
  25. The Zona Glomerulosa is replaced by _____ in which species (3)?
    Zona Arcuata

    • Horse
    • Carnivores
    • Pig
  26. Which layers of the Adrenal Cortex => Mineralcorticoids?
    Zona Glomerulosa
  27. Which layers of the Adrenal Cortex => Glucocorticoids?
    • Zona Fasciculata
    • Zona Reticularis
  28. Cell types within the Adrenal Medulla
  29. What do the Adrenal Medulla Chromaffin cells produce (2)?
    • Norepinephrine (darker)
    • Epinephrine (lighter)
  30. Cell Types in the Pancreas (5):
    • Pancreatic Islet Cells
    • A cells
    • B cells
    • C cells
    • D cells
  31. Pancreatic A Cells produce:
  32. Pancreatic B Cells produce:
  33. Pancreatic C Cells produce:
    • A cells
    • B cells
    • D cells
  34. Pancreatic D Cells produce:
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Histo- Endocrine Glands
Histo- Endocrine Glands