Postpartum Complications Ch. 23

  1. What is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the U.S.?
  2. What medication should NOT be given as IV or to hypertensives who are experiencing uterine atony?
  3. What kind of hemorrhage has steady red bleeding and no clots?
  4. Define the different types of placental fragments:

    Placenta accreta
    Placenta increta
    Placenta percreta
    PA - slight penetration of the myometrium

    PI - deep penetration of the myometrium

    PP - perforation of uterus by placenta
  5. What nursing interventions are done for hemotomas less than 5cm vs greater than 5cm?
    Less than 5cm - ice packs and analgesias

    More than 5cm - surgery
  6. What is the most common symptom for vulvar hematomas?
  7. Why do you want to put your hand above the pubic bone while massaging a boggy uterus?
    Because you could massage the uterus out of the vagina
  8. What are the two main interventions to prevent hypovolemic shock?
    • Restore blood volume
    • Treat cause of hemorrhage
  9. One way to suspect uterine subinvolution is to ask a mother if she is ___________
    • Breastfeeding well
    • **A non-contracting uterus prevents lactation
  10. What is the most common meds used for uterine subinvolution?
    • Methergine
    • Antibiotics
  11. What is the most important intervention for mastitis?

    Can a mother breastfeed?
    Bed rest

    Yes if she takes antibiotics
  12. In Von Willebrand Disease is a prolonged bleeding tendency that is deficient in _______
    Factor VIII
  13. What is the medication of choice for Von Willebrand disease?
    Intranasal desmopressin
  14. What oral therapy is given for DVT intervention?
    How long do they have to take it?
    • Warfarin
    • 3 months
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Postpartum Complications Ch. 23