Intercultural Marketing

  1. Key word associated with intercultural knowledge
  2. Why do we need interculural training?
    because cultural differences impact business

    - it is essntial to understand the values and traditions that shape people's behavior
  3. Definition of communication
    communication is the transfer of a message from one person to another, so that it is understood, and invokes a response
  4. communication diagram
    Sender (Encodes) -->message --> Receiver (decodes ad responds with next message)
  5. Communication can be:
    • 1. Verbal - language symbols
    • 2. Non-verbal: body language, gesture, clothing etc
  6. Non verbal makes up about _____ % of how we communicate
  7. ethnocentrism
    • 1. belief in the superiority of ones own ethnic group.
    • 2. overriding concern with race. 'There's only one way, thats your own'
    • -definitely need to avoid as much as possible
  8. cultural relativism
    recognition that one culture cannot be arbitrarily judged by the standards of another
  9. cross-culture
    comparing or dealing with two or more different cultures
  10. definitin of culture
    culture is about the way people nderstand their world and make sense of it.
  11. intercultural communication
    • efers to the communication process between people of different cultural background
    • - verbal and non verbal
  12. sources of intercultural misunderstanding
    • - language
    • - non verbal signals
    • - cultural values
    • - expectations of behavior
    • - ethnocentrism
    • - stereotyping preconceptions
    • -ect
  13. characteristics of a high-context cultures
    • long lasting relationships
    • communication may be diffuse
    • wider range of communicative expressions
    • people in authority are personally responsible for the actions of subordinates
  14. in high-context cultures
    • agreemets between persons tend to be spoken rather than written
    • insiders and outsiders are distinguished
    • cultural patters are ingrained and relatively slow to change
  15. characteristcs of low-context cultures
    • shorter relationships
    • messages are made explicit
    • authority is diffused
    • agreements between persons are written rather than spoken
  16. in low-context cultures....
    • insiders and outsideers are less closely distinguihed
    • cultural patterns are relatiely fast to change
  17. why intercultural marketing?
    • globalization
    • gloal markets: global consumer
    • no global consumer: importance of culture
    • because of culture differences
  18. pro's of standardisation
    • economies of scale in production and distribution
    • simplification of coordinatin and control, lower csts as a result
    • ability to introduce products quickly into various world markets
    • consistent internation brand and/or company image
  19. con's of standardisation
    • few products suitable
    • cultural differences
    • increasing cultural diversity
    • potential of alienating consumers
  20. hofstede's 5 dimensions on advertising: power distance
    • large power distance: status symbols, the elder advises the younger
    • small power distance: status is less important (younger advises elder)
  21. hofstedes: individualistc cultures
    frequent use of first and secon person singular: you, I
  22. hofstedes: collectivistic cultures
    • people are part of groups
    • being alone = no friends
  23. hofstedes: masculinity and femininity
    • masculinity: winning, being succesful, beng the best, domination
    • femininity: care, gentleness, use of understatement
  24. hofstedes: strong uncertainty avoidance vs low uncertainty avoidance
    • strong: need for explanation, structure, testing, scientific proof
    • low: result is more important
  25. hofstedes: long term orientation vs short term
    • long term: values associated with saving symbols are explicit references
    • short term:values associated with now (future s less important)
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Intercultural Marketing