BIO 140 Unit 4 OIA

  1. Rhomboid Major
    • O: Thoracic Vertebrae
    • I: Vertebrae (Medial) Border of Scapula
    • A: Retraction of Scapula
  2. Rhomboid Minor
    • O: Vertebrae C7 & T1
    • I: Medial Border of Scapula Spine
    • A: Retraction of Scapula
  3. Levator Scapulae
    • O: Cervical Vertebrae
    • I: Vertebral Border, Above Scapula Spine
    • A: Elevate Scapula
  4. Trapezius
    • O: Occipital Bone, Cervical & Thoracic Membrane
    • I: Acromion Shelf and Scapular Spine
    • A: 1) Upper fibers- elevate scapula
    • 2) Middle fibers- retract the scapula
    • 3) Lower fibers- depress the scapula
  5. Serratus Anterior
    • O: Ribs
    • I: Vertebral Border
    • A: Protraction of Scapula
  6. Pectoralis Minor
    • O: Ribs
    • I: Corocoid Process of Scapula
    • A: Protraction of Scapula
  7. Subscapularis
    • O: Subscapular Fossa
    • I: Lesser tuberacle of Humerus
    • A: Medial Rotation of Humerus
  8. Supraspinatus
    • O: Supraspinous Fossa
    • I: Greater Tuberacle of humerus
    • A: Abduction of Humerus, lateral rotation of Humerus
  9. Infraspinatus
    • O: Infraspinous Fossa
    • I: Greater Tuberacle
    • A: Lateral Rotation
  10. Teres Minor
    • O: Infraspinous Fossa
    • I: Greater Tuberacle
    • A: Lateral rotation of humerus
  11. Teres Major
    • O: inferior angle of scapula
    • I:
    • A: shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation
  12. Pectoralis Major
    • O: Clavicle, Sternum
    • I: Greater tubercle
    • medial rotation
  13. Deltoid
    • O: acromion shelf, spine of scapula
    • I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus (anterior fibers)
    • A: ant- *Shoulder Flexion
    • post- * Shoulder extension
    • Middle- work with and & post abduction
  14. Latissiumus Dorsi
    • O: thoracic & lumbar vertebrae & iliac crest
    • I: lesser tuberacle of humerus
    • Medial Rotation
  15. Biceps Brachii
    • O: long head- glenoid fossa
    • short head- corocoid process of scapula
    • I: radial tuberosity
  16. Triceps
    • O: long head: Glenoid fossa of scapula
    • lateral head: shaft of humerus
    • medial head: shaft of humerus
    • I: olecarnon process of ulna
    • A: forearm extension
  17. Brachialis
    • O: shaft of humerus
    • I: ulna (coracoid process)
  18. Brachioradialis
    • O: shaft of humerus (distal end) elbow
    • I: styloid process of radius
    • A: Pronation
  19. Flexor Carpi Radialus
    • O: medial epicondyle of humerus
    • I: 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
    • A: flexion of wrist, abduction
  20. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
    • O: Medial epicondyle of the humerus
    • I: 5th metacarpal
    • A: flexion of the wrist & adduction hand
  21. Flexor Digitorum
    • O: medial epicondyle of the humerus
    • I: 5th metacarpal
    • A: flexion of the wrist and hand adduction
  22. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
    • O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • I: 5th metacarpal on back
    • A: extends & adducts wrist
  23. Extensor Digitorum
    • O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • I: distal phalanges of digits 2-5
    • A: extension of digits
  24. Extensor Carpi Radialus Longus
    • O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
    • I: 2nd metacarpal of back of hand
    • A: extends and abducts wrist
  25. Palmaris Longus
    • O: medial epicondyle of humerus
    • I: fascia of palm
    • A: tense fascia of palm
  26. Pronator Teres
    • O: Medial epicondyle of humerus & ulna
    • I: lateral side of radius
    • A: pronation
Card Set
BIO 140 Unit 4 OIA
Muscles Origin, Action, & Insertion