Global Issues Final

  1. The total number of goods and services produced in a given year + any foreign income - any interest or debt payments
    Gross National Income
  2. The total goods and services produced in a given year
    Gross Domestic Product
  3. What are the issues of measuring GDP and GNP?
    • 1. They fail to distinguish ampong types of economic activity
    • 2. Many goods and services generate costs that are not reflected in their prices
    • 3. Many nuturing and creative activities are not included because they are not bought and sold
  4. the estimated number of dollars required to purchase comparitable goods in different countries
    Purchasing Power Parity
  5. Explain the GINI index.
    A society that scores 0.0 on the Gini scale has perfect equality in income distribution. Higher the number over 0 higher the inequality, and the score of 1.0 (or 100) indicates total inequality where only one person corners all the income.
  6. Explain the difference between the market and the coordinated economy.
    Government holds stronger ownership of vital industries in coordinated market which keeps it more stable.
  7. What are some characteristics of American public policy?
    • High educational spending
    • Low support for working families
    • Private, rather than public, services
    • Tax breaks, not income support
    • Low taxation
  8. What are the three factors of production? and what is defined as "capital?
    • Land
    • Labor
    • Capital (anything that aids in the production of labor)
  9. What does comparitive advantage tell us?
    • Every country has a comparitive advantage in something
    • Every country can gain by specializing in what it does competitively well and trade for what it does less well
  10. What does the Stolper-Samnelson Theorem tell us?
    • In an economy open to trade: The price of a country's abundant factor will rise
    • The price of a country's scarce factor will fall
  11. What do trade policy preferences say about winners and losers of trade?
    • Losers from trade want less trade and higher tariffs
    • Winners from trade want more trade and lower tariffs
  12. How does European quality merchandise compare to that of American-made merchandise?
    • better fine-tuning high quality
    • better at niche products
    • compete on quality, not price
  13. How do Americans compare to Europeans as far as manufacturing products?
    • better at rapid innovation
    • better at mass production
    • compete on price, not quality
  14. How does America distinct itself from taxation, social spending, and inequality of income among its citizens?
    • we tax less than Europe
    • we spend less on education and socially
    • inequality is higher
  15. Which countries have a comparitive advantage in capital and human labor?
    Advanced Industrialized countries
  16. Which countries have a comparitive advantage in mature capital?
    Asian Newly Industrialized nations
  17. How are tariffs and countries related?
    • losers from trade want less trade and higher tareffs
    • winners from trade want more trade and lower traiffs
  18. What are the four basic principles of the GATT/WTO?
    • Market-based libertarialism
    • non-discrimination
    • reciprocity and progressive tariff reductions
    • domesitc safeguards
  19. What are the consequences of no investment?
    • no expansion of employment
    • no productivity gains
    • no economic growth
  20. What are the two strategies for structural transformation?
    • Mobilize savings
    • invest in productive activities
  21. What does ISI stand for?
    Import Substitution Industrialization
  22. What does EOI stand for?
    Export Oriented Industralization
  23. What is mercantilism?
    The exporting of goods only, no imports, in order to maximize wealth
Card Set
Global Issues Final
Global Issues 3