Doctors may perscribe what for alcoholics, which makes them violently ill if they drink alcohol?
A person characterized by irresponsibility, shallow emotions, and lack of conscience most likely has a(n) what personality?
A transformation of emotional difficulties into the loss of a specific physiologcal function is called a(n) what?
Conversion Disorder
Flase beliefs maintained in the face of contrary evidence are called what?
Drugs may lead to what, which is a state in which the user experiences physical dependence on drugs?
Psychological Dependence
The what suggests that people may inherit a predisposition to develop schizophrenia?
Diathesis-stress Hypothesis
Dissociative what involves in failure to remember personal events or information?
A person who exhibits more than one personality state, each with its own behavior and thinking patterns, most likely has a what disorder?
Dissociative Identity
The most serious drug problem is what?
the view that whatever most people do is normal is the what approach to mental illness?
Most people deal with a(n) what, by avoiding them?
During a what, the person experiences intense anxiety with no explainable cause?
Panic Attack
Incoherrent language, inappropiate emotions, and disorganized motor movements distinguish the what type of schizophrenia?
Disorganized Type
Using the DSM-IV, the characteristics that define a disorder are known as its what?
A common symptom of schizophrenia is what characterized by inappropiate emotions for the circumstances?
Disturbances of Effects