
  1. 2 types of Ashtma
    1. Extrinsic: Allergic or Atopic specific allergies

    2. Intrinsic: Nonallergic or non-atopic situational allergies
  2. 2 types of Immune Response
    1. Cellular Immunity: Sensitiezed Lyrmphocytes, transplant rejects

    2. Humoral: Circulatory Antibody allergic asthma protects against mumps, measles, & rubella.
  3. What is an antibody?
    Serum Globulin protein that reacts with a pecific antigen. IgE, IgA, IgD, IgG, IgM.

    A- protects from respiratory

    G- protects against common diseases

    E- reacts to different allergies
  4. Antigen-Antibody Reaction
    1. 1st exposure to Antigen

    2. IgE produced specific to Antigen

    3. Re-exposure

    4. Antigen-Antibody Reaction

    5. Inflammation, Elimination of antigen
  5. Mediators of inlammation
    Histamine- Promotes edema formation, vasodilation causes increase blood flwo bring more leukocytes heparin.

    NCF-A- Neutrophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis

    PAF- Platelet activating factor

    ECF-A- Eosinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis

    Causes: 1. Increase in vascular permeability- edema

    2. Smooth muscle contraction

    3. Increase mucus secretion

    4. Vasodilation
  6. Mast Cell Stablizers
    Antiasthmatic, can't really stop an asthma attack in progress more of prophylactic preventative agent.
  7. Aarane/Intal
    Cromolyn Sodium

    Indi: Prophylaxis of intrinsic & extrinsic asthma

    Contra: Sensitivity to the drug

    Side: pweder may cause cough or bronchospashm

    Action: Inhibits degranulation of the mast cell stabilizes the mast cell wall.

    • Dose: 20 mg qid in sphinhaler
    • Aerosol: 20 mg in 2 ml sterile H2O qid
    • MDI 2 mg or .8 mg/puff 2 puffs
  8. Tilade

    Indi: Maintenance therapy for pts. with mild to moderate brochial asthma.

    Contra: Sensitivity to drug

    Side: minimal

    Action: anti-inflammatory agent, inhibits actication and mediator release from inflammatory cell types.

    Dose: MDI 1.75 mg per puff 2 puffs qid
  9. Zoditen

    Oral admin some side effects.
  10. Leukotine inhibitors
    • Montelukast (Singulair)
    • Pobilukast
    • Pranlukast (Ultair)
    • Tomelukast
    • Verlukast
    • Zafirlukast (Accolate)
    • Zileuton (Zyflo)
    • Kitafin
  11. Antihistamines
    H1: in the lung and airways

    H2: primarily gastric mucosa

    H3: Agents may be effective as a preventative in treating allergic rhinitis.

    Action: Prevent histamine from reaching site of action through receptor competition.

    Side Effects: drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, may cause some drying of secretions.
  12. Omalizumb

    Designed to specifically target IgE used to treat asthma and allergic rhinitis.

    IgE triggers the release of histamine, prostaglandins, & Leukotrienes, causing symptoms associated with allergic reactions.

    Prevents IgE from binding to mast cells.
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Pharmacology Exam 3