Menu Food Items

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    La especialidad de la casa es longosta con venduras. Cocidos en especias es muy picante.Cuesta trenta dolores

    The speciality of the house is lobster with vegetables. Cooked in spices it is very spicy. It cost $30
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    Tenemos muchas bebidas para tomar. Bebidas includio jugo de naranja,toronja, sandía,guayaba, y limón. Tambien serivimos refrescas. Cuestan dos dolores.

    We have alot of drinks to drink. Drinks include orange, grapefruit, watermelon, guava, and lemon juice. We also serve sodas. They cost two dollars.
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    Los ensaladas son muy rico. Tiene tomates, zanahorias, lechuga, aceite, aguacates,cebollas, y pepinos. Cuesta diez dolores.

    The salads are very good. It has tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, oil, avocados, onions, and cucumbers. It cost 10 dollars.
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    Primero plato es pescado con papas fritas. Cuesta viente dolores.

    The first plate is fish with french fries. It cost 20 dollars.
  5. Image Upload 10PASTA WITH BREAD
    El Segundo plato es pasta italiano. Hace con harina, huevos, aceite, y sal. El plato vine con pan. Cuesta viente cinco dolores.

    The second plate is italian pasta. It is made with flour, eggs, oil, and sal. The plate comes with bread. It costs 25 dollars.
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    El plato tercero es pollo asado. El pollo vine con papas y col. Cuesta viente dolores.

    The third plate is roasted chicken. THe chicken comes with potatoes and cabbage. It cost 20 dollars.
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    El primero postre es un postre de fresas. Tiene fresas, crema, helado, y pastel. Cuesta quince dolores.

    The first dessert is a strawberry dessert. It has strawberries, cream, ice cream, and cake. It costs 15 dollars.
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    El segundo postre son panes ducles. Hace con harina, mantequilla, crema, sal, y mucho azúcar. Cuesta diez dolores para cinco y viente dolores para quince.

    The second plate is sweet rolls. Made with flour, butter, cream, salt, and alot of sugar. It cost 10 dollars for five, and 20 dollares for fifteen.
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    El restarante detras de las cataratas es muy lujoso. El restarante abre solo la cena. Tiene comida riquisima.

    The restaurant behind the waterfalls is very luxorious. The resturante only opens for dinner. It had very tasty.
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Menu Food Items
Pictures of food on spanish project. Desrcibe each food item in spanish for your presentation