Roots of American democracy/revolutionary war

  1. What was the Magna Carta
    The first written law in britian
  2. Describe the development of parliament
    • By the late 1300s parliament developed into a legislature
    • * Remember the king still ruled
  3. Describe the house of burgessess
    • Americas first legislature
    • 2 representitives from each town
    • 22 total
    • made up of white male land owners
    • had power to raise taxes and make laws...though accomplished very little
  4. Describe the Glorious Revolution
    • took place in the 1600s
    • King james wanted an absolute monarchy and for england to become roman catholic
    • his daughter and her husband took the throne and removed james from power in 1688
  5. Describe the english bill of rights
    • IN 1689 parliament drew up the english bill of rights
    • gave parliament the ability to make laws (versus the kings sole power)
    • Power to raise taxes
    • control of the nations armys
    • set up elections
  6. Describe Common law and precedent
    • Common Law:
    • The law that all the people should know
    • common law is based on precedent
    • Precedent: following what has happened in the past
  7. Plymouth/plymouth rock
    • Colonists landed on Plymouth rock
    • Signed the mayflower compact on the trip from england-41 men agreed on just and equal laws for the good of the colony
    • most had faced economic hardships and religious persecution in england
    • They wanted to purify religion, make it simple...known as Puritians
  8. Jamestown
    • In 1607 jamestown was established
    • Economic problems at home, unemployment, small farms struggling, and a class system disallowing some from owning land sent some to establish colony in Jamestown
    • Hardships:
    • Location!!! It was swampy and filled with malaria
    • crops could not grow in conditions
    • hunger
    • fighting w/ native americans
    • The government was far away...if a crime was committed, no one to arrest and try people
  9. Describe Mercantilism
    Export more than you import! Have the most physical gold.

    • The english took their goods and then the colonies had to buy them back at full price.
    • Molasses act:
    • The british wanted to have control over the colonies, the colonies smuggled goods. Britian shows inconsistancy by not reacting to the smuggling
    • Molasses was a good thing to tax because colonists love molasses
  10. Describe the changing relationship with the American colonists and England
    After the french and indian war the relationship between the colonists and England changed:

    • For the colonists:
    • the war increased there self confidence and sense of independence....they felt that they didnt need the british protection as they had been doing it on their own for 150 years
    • They were disappointed in the poor strategy and the weakness of the british army

    For the British:

    • Felt that the colonists were ungrateful despite british protection during the war
    • they felt that the colonists should help pay for the costs of the war
  11. Describe "salutary neglect"
    • The britians decided that the best way to deal with the colonists was to leave them alone.
    • they left the colonists to enforce their own laws and tax themselves
  12. French and Indian War-1754-1763
    • Tensions grew between the french and the indians and the colonists
    • the colonists wanted the land that the french have
    • *it is not the french vs. the indians its the french AND the indians vs. the colonist
    • 1754-1763
  13. Proclamation of 1763
    • In order to perserve peace the king issues the proclamation of 1763
    • it sets aside all land west of the Appalachian mountains for native americans
    • The british belivied that this could control western migration which would keep them in the cities so the cities would make tons of money
  14. Quartering Act-1765
    • Soldiers were still in america to enforce the sugar act
    • They force the colonists to quarter (house) the soldiers
    • they wanted privacy and felt that the country was violating their privacy
  15. Stamp act
    • This was the first direct tax that all the colonists had to pay
    • it was a tax on legal documents, newspapers, sermons, and playing cards
    • all people were impacted by this tax
    • they planned to boycott
    • they didnt need this gov. to tax them too when they taxed themselves already
  16. Declaratory Act-1766
    • The same day that the stamp act is repealed the declaratory act is passed by parliament
    • it stated that parliament had the authority to make laws that applied to the colonists "in all cases whatsoever"
    • They were scared because the same thing happened in Ireland
  17. Townshend Acts-1767
    • A series of 4 laws that placed taxes on lead, paint,paper,glass, and tea
    • The money was to cover the army salaries
    • this act brought back the "Writs of Assistance" where customs officers could search through your home without a warrant
    • It was a total invasion of privacy
    • it was eventually repealed
  18. Boston Massacre-1770
    • The tensions of the Townshend acts and other British polocies ran high...especially in boston
    • on the day that the townshend acts were repealed the boston massacre occured where 5 colonists died after soldiers opened fire on a mob that was harassing them
    • committees of correspondence were formed to untite colonies and inform of british justices
  19. Tea Act-1773
    • designed to help a struggling british company and stop smuggling
    • British east india compony had unsold tea due to colonial boycotts
    • colonists were drinking smuggled Dutch tea
    • under new law compony allowed to sell directly to the colonists, making the tea much cheaper than the smuggled variety
    • NOT a new tax
    • They are angry because they think that the british cant control them
  20. Boston Tea Party
    • The tea act led to the boston tea party
    • colonists reacted to the british tea act through boarding a British east india compony ship and throwing the contents off the ship
    • loss of cargo infuriates the british...led to a punishment in boston called coercive/intolerable acts
  21. Coercive/intolerable acts-1774
    • the punishment for the boston tea party
    • the port of boston is closed
    • a royal governer took control of the colony
    • more soldiers were sent to keep order
    • Set forward rules for quartering soldiers
    • soldiers were allowed to search and stay in homes
    • colonists rights to trial by jury was removed-and all cases were to be heard in Britian
  22. First Continental congress-1774
    • All colonies are involved
    • reaction to the coercive/intolerable acts
    • still loyal to the king but parliament was exerting to much control
    • they ask with the DECLERATION OF RIGHTS for the removal of the troops, the repeal of taxes and the repeal of the coercive/intolerable acts
    • Parliament could still control there trade
    • planned to meet again if king refused there requests
  23. The second continental congress-1775
    • The first battles of the war took place in april, second meeting takes place in may
    • still, only a few wanted independence
    • most still felt loyalty to the king, felt that parliament ministers and polocies were bad
    • everyone rejected parliaments authority to tax them
    • they wrote documents: one explaining why they must participate in war, and the other known as the "Olive branch petition"
    • the olive branch petition was a letter to the king claiming that they are faithful but dont like british polocies
    • king declares that colonists are in rebellion and bans colonial trade outside of the british empire
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Roots of American democracy/revolutionary war