PBSC Test 5

  1. disease process resulting from excessive secretion of somatotropin, causes progressive enlargement of peripheral body parts, commonly face, hands and feet
  2. chronic adrenocorticoid insufficiency secondary to destruction of adrenal glands
    addison's disease
  3. hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary, essential for growth n development
    adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
  4. hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex; stimulate activity of accessory male sex organs and development of male sex characteristics
  5. group of symptoms produced by an excess of free circulating cortisolfrom the adrenal cortex, characterized by trunkal obesity, moon face, acne, abdominal striae, and HTN
    Cushing's syndrome
  6. a form of hyperthyroidism, characterised by diffuse goiter and exophthalmos
    Grave's disease
  7. enlargement of the thyroid gland, usually caused by an iodine-deficient diet
  8. thyroiditis characterized by high levels of antimicrosomal antibodies, most common cause of hypothyroidismin the US, AKA chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or autoimmune thyroiditis
    Hashimoto's disease
  9. steroid of the adrenal cortex influences sodium and potassium
  10. severe form of hypothyroidism characteized by an accumulation of mucopolysaccharides in subQ and other interstitual tissues, a mask like expression, puffy eye lids, hair loss in the eye brows, thick lips and broad tongue
  11. chromaffin cell tumor, usually benign, located in the adrenal medulla; characterized by secretion of catecholamines resulting in HTN, severe HA, profuse sweating, visual blurring, anxiety and nausea
  12. excessive secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary glanddespite low sodium osmolality level, occurs with oat cell carcinoma of the lung and other malignant tumors that produce ADH
  13. severe life threatening form of hyperthyroidism precipitated by stress, usually of abrupt onset, characterized by high fever, extreme tachycardia, and altered mental state
    thyroid storm
  14. antidiuretic hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary; causes contraction of smooth muscle, particularly blood vessels
  15. What is the action of PTU
    blocks synthesis of hormones (conversion of T3 & T4)
  16. What is the action methimazole
    blocks synthesis of thyroid hormone
  17. what is the action sodium iodide
    suppresses release of thyroid hormone
  18. what is the action of potassium iodide
    suppresses release of thyroid hormone
  19. what is the action of SSKI
    suppresses release of thyroid hormone
  20. what is the action of dexamethasone
    suppresses release of thyroid hormone
  21. what are the manifestations for sodium deficit
    nausea, malaise, lethargy, HA, abdominal cramps, apprehension, seizures
  22. what are the manifestations for sodium excess
    dry, sticky mucous, membranes, thirst, rough, dry tongue, fever, restlessness, weakness, disorientation
  23. what are the manifestations for potassium deficit
    anorexia, abd distention, paralytic ileus, muscle weakness, ECG changes, dysrhythmias
  24. what are the manifestations for potassium excess
    diarrhea, colic, nausea, irritability, muscle weakness, ECG changes
  25. what are the manifestations for calcium deficit
    abd and muscle cramps, stridor, carpopedal spasm, hyperactive reflexes, tetany, positive chovek's or trousseau's signs, tingling of fingers and around mouth
  26. what are the manifestations for calcium excess
    deep bone pain, flank pain, muscle weakness, depressed tendon reflexes, constipation, nausea, vomiting, confusion impaired memory, polyuria, polydypsia, ECG changes
  27. cells that lack normal cellular characteristics and differ in shapeand organization w/ respect to their cells of origin; usually, anaplastic cells are malignant
  28. process of transforming normal cells into malignant cells
  29. substances produced by cells of the immune systemto enhance production and functioning of components of the immune system
  30. bizarre cell growth resulting in cells that differ in size, shape or arrangement from cells of the same type of tissue
  31. an immune response initiated by t lymphocytes of donor tissue against recepient tissue
    graft-versus-host disease
  32. increase in the number of cells of a tissue; most often associated with periods of rapid body growth
  33. conversion of one type of mature cell into another type of cell
  34. lowest point of white blood cell depression after therapy that that has toxic effects on the bone marrow
  35. uncontrolled cell growth that follows no physiologic demand
  36. process of determining the size and spread or metastisis of a tumor
  37. dry oral cavity resulting from decreased function of salivary glands
  38. protein of the membrane of cancer cells that distinguish the malignant cells from a benign cell of the same tissue type
    tumor specific antigen (TSA)
  39. type of cancer w/ highest death in the male population
    lung and bronchus
  40. cancer w/ highest death rate in the female population
    Lung and bronchus
  41. type of cancer w/ Leading new cases in the male pop?
  42. type of cancer w/ leading new cases in female population
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PBSC Test 5