- symptomatic
- - bleeding from the ear
- symptomatic
- - purulent drainage from the ear
- symptomatic
- - - a jingling
- -
ringing or buzzing in the ear
- symptomatic
- -
a turning around - - dizziness
Otitis Externa
- diagnostic (external ear)
- -
inflammation of th external auditory meatus (canal)
Cerumen Impaction
- diagnostic (external ear)
- -
excessive buildup of wax in the ear
- diagnostic (middle ear)
- -
inflammation of the the eardrum
Otitis Media
- diagnostic (middle ear)
- -
inflammation of the middle ear
Aerotitis Media
- diagnostic (middle ear)
- -
inflammation of the middle ear from changes in the atmospheric pressure - - often occurs in frequent air travel
- diagnostic (middle ear)
- - hardening
of the bony tissue in the ear
- diagnostic (middle ear)
- -
inflammation of the mastoid process- most commonly seen as a result of the spread of inflammation & infection in the otitis media
Eustachian Obstruction
- diagnostic (middle ear)
- - blockage
of the eustachian tube usually as a result of infection, as in otitis media
Acoustic Neuroma
- diagnostic (inner ear)
- - benign
tumor on the auditory nerve (8th cranial nerve) - signs/symptoms: vertigo, tinnitus, & hearing loss
- diagnostic (inner ear)
- -
condition of absence or malformation of inner ear structures during embryonic development, resulting in hearing loss
- diagnostic (inner ear)
- -
inflammation of the labyrinth
Meniere Disease
- diagnostic (inner ear)
- -
disorder of the inner ear due to an excessive buildup of endolymphatic fluid - - signs/symptoms: vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss- one or both ears can be affected, & attacks vary in frequency & intensity
- diagnostic (general)
- -
general term for partial or complete hearing loss
Conductive Hearing Loss
- diagnostic (general)
- -
hearing impairment caused by interference with sound or vibratory energy in the external canal, middle ear, or ossicles
Sensorineural Hearing Loss
- diagnostic (general)
- -
hearing impairment caused by lesions or dysfunction of the cochlea or auditory nerve
Mixed Hearing Loss
- diagnostic (general)
- - combination
of sensorineural & conductive hearing loss
- diagnostic (general)
- -
hearing impairment in old age