Art test 2 Vocab

  1. what are prints?
    an image created from a master wood block, stone, plate, or screen, usually on paper. prints are refered to as multiples, because as a rule many identical or similar impressions are made form the same printing surface, the number of impressions being called an edition.
  2. edition
    in printmaking, the total number of prints made from a given plate or block. included on the size,each numbered,artists signature.
  3. woodcut
    a relief printmaking method in which a block of wood is carved so as to leave the image areas raised from the background
  4. relief
    anything that projects from a background. (ex. figure on a coin)
  5. linocut
    a relief printmaking technique in which the printing surface is a thick layer of linoleum, often mounted on a wooden block for support. Areas that will not print are cut away, leaving raised areas to take the ink.
  6. registration
    in printmaking, the precise alignment of impressions made by two or more printing blocks or plates on the same sheet of paper, as when printing an image in several colors.
  7. intaglio
    printmaking techniques in which the lines or areas that will take the ink are incised into the printing plate, rather than raised above it
  8. etching
    an intaglio printmaking method in which the design is bitten into the printing plate with acid. Also, the resultant print. to create an etching, a metal plate is covered with an acid-resistant ground. the design is drawn with a sharp, pen-like tool that scratches the ground to reveal the metal beneath. teh plate is then submerged in acid, which bites into the exposed metal. the longer the plate remains in contact with the acid, the deeper the bite, and the darker the line it will print.
  9. engraving
    an intaglio printmaking method in which lines are cut into a metal plate using a sharp tool called a burin, which creates a clean, v-shaped channel. also a print resulting from this technique.
  10. planography
    printmaking techniques in which the image areas are level with the surface of the printing plate.
  11. lithography
    a planographic printmaking technique based on the fact that oil and water repel each other. the design to be printed is drawn in greasy crayon or ink on the printing surface__ traditionally a block of fine-grained stone, but today more frequently a plate of zinc or aluminum. the printing surface is dapened, then inked. the oil-based ink adheres to the greasy areas and is repelled by the damp areas.
  12. silkscreen/screenprinting/serigraphy
    a printmaking method in which the image is transferred to paper by forcing ink through a fine mesh in which the areas not ment to print have been blocked; a stencil technique
  13. calotype
    early photographic process introduced in 1841 by William Henry Fox Talbot, using paper coated with silver iodide.
  14. Photojournalism
    • a particular form of journalism
    • (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for
    • publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news
    • story

    • Timeliness — the images have meaning in the context of a recently published record of events.
    • Objectivity — the situation implied by the images is a fair and accurate representation of the events they depict in both content and tone.
    • Narrative — the images combine with other news elements to make facts relatable to the viewer or reader on a cultural level.
  15. Photorealism
    • the genre of painting based on using the camera
    • and photographs to gather information and then from this information,
    • creating a painting that appears to be very realistic like a photograph. The term is primarily applied to paintings from the United States art movement that began in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  16. stright phototype
    Straight/pure photography refers to photography that attempts to depict a scene as realistically and objectively as permitted by the medium, renouncing the use of manipulation.
  17. Photomontage
    • the process and result of making a composite
    • photograph by cutting and joining a number of other photographs. The
    • composite picture was sometimes photographed so that the final image is
    • converted back into a seamless photographic print.
  18. rayograph
    • A rayograph is a photographic image made without a camera
    • by placing objects directly onto the surface of a photo-sensitive
    • material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. The
    • result is a negative shadow image varying in tone, depending on the
    • transparency of the objects used. Areas of the paper that have received
    • no light appear white; those exposed through transparent or
    • semi-transparent objects appear grey.[1]
  19. Photography
    Photography is the process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or an electronic sensor.
  20. bitumen
    Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquids that are highly viscous, black, sticky, entirely soluble in carbon disulfide, and composed primarily of highly condensed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
  21. daguerreotype
    the first practical photographic process. it produced a single permanent image directly on a prepared copper plate.
  22. assemblage
    the technique of creating a sculpture by grouping or piecing together distinct elements, as opposed to casting, modeling, or carving
  23. casting
    the process of making a sculpture or other object by pouring a liquid into a mold, letting it harden, and then releasing it. common materials used for casting include bronze, plaster, clay, and synthetic resins.
  24. cire-perdue/lost-wax casting
    is the process by which a brass or bronze sculpture is cast from an artist's sculpture; in industrial uses, the modern process is called investment casting. a model of the object to be cast is created in wax, fitted with wax rods, than encased in a heat-resistant material such as plaster or clay, leaving the rodsprotruding. the ensemble is heated so that the wax melts and runs out, creating a mold. molten metal is poured into the mold through the channels created by the melted wax rods, filling the void where the wax original used to be. when the metal has cooled, the mold is broken open to release the casting.
  25. installation
    an art form in which an entire rom or similar space is treated as a work of art to be entered and experienced. more broadly, the placing of a work of art in a specific location, usually for a limited time.
  26. site-specific
    descriptive of art that was conceived for display in a particular place, and which generally can only be fully understood in the context of that place
  27. earthwork
    a work of art created at, for, and from a natural site, for example by reshaping the earth or rearraning natural elements found there.
  28. ziggurat
    in ancient mesopotamian architecture, a monumental stepped structure symbolically understood as a mountain and serving as a platform for one or more temples.
  29. low relief/bas-relief
    the figures project minimally, as a coin
  30. high relief
    figures project substantially from the background, often by half their full depth or more
  31. sunken relief
    outlines are carved into the surface and the figure is modeled within them, from the surface down
  32. kouros
    greek for youth or boy , used as a generic name for the numerous sculptures of nude youth produced during the archaic period of greek civilization
  33. contrapposto
    a pose that suggests the potential for movement, and thus life, in a standing human figure. places the figures weight on one foot, setting off a series of adjustments to the hips and shoulders that produce a subtle s-curve.
  34. polychrome woodcut
    • for each color needed a new block of wood
    • cut each block for different object
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Art test 2 Vocab