Soc Psych exam 2 vocab

  1. prejudice
    negative prejudgement of a group of people and its individual members
  2. discrimination
    unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group of people
  3. social identity theory
  4. minimal groups
    the minimal conditions required for discrimination to occur between groups
  5. in-group
  6. in-group bias
    tendency to favor one's own group
  7. out-group
  8. authoritarian personality
    predisposed to follow the dictates of a strong leader and traditional, conventional values
  9. scapegoat
    one that bears the blame for others
  10. stereotype
    belief about personal attributes of a group of people-sometime overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information
  11. stereotype threat
    disruptive concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype-as opposed to self-fulfilling prophecy, the effects are immediate.
  12. jigsaw group
    • pupils are divided into small groups, mixed by race and by ability, to work co-operatively on a task, Members with the same role from each group gather in "expert groups" to discuss their sections. They then return to their own groups and take turns to present what they have learnt to their own groups. They are
    • then assessed individually on all sections of the material. This division of responsibilities means that students are motivated to listen to each other each of them experiences a role in which they are valuable to others
  13. superordinate goal
    shared goal that necessitates a cooperative effort; the goal overrideds people's differences
  14. conformity
    change in behavior or belief to accord with that of others
  15. compliance
    yeilding to the will of others
  16. acceptance
    to give admittance or approval to
  17. Normative social influence
    one form of conformity. the influence of other people that leads us to conform in order to be liked and accepted by them
  18. infomational social influence
    • Type of conformity.
    • When a person is in a situation where s/he is unsure of the correct way to behave, s/he will often look to others for cues concerning the correct behavior
  19. obedience
    acting in accordance with a direct order
  20. reactance
    an emotional reaction in direct contradiction to rules or regulations that threaten or eliminate specific behavioral freedoms
  21. central route to persuasion
    interested people focus on arguments and respond with favorable thoughts
  22. counterargument
    opposing arguement
  23. peripheral route to persuasion
    people are influenced by accidental cues,. such as speaker's attractiveness
  24. Yale model
    source, message, means, and audience
  25. discrepency
    A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
  26. public commitment
    goes hand in hand with cognitive dissonence, we are more accountable if we make the commitmenr publically
  27. reference group
    group to which another individual or group is compared
  28. forewarning
    to inform in advance
  29. inoculation
    2 components. The first is threat, which provides motivation to protect one's attitudes or beliefs. Refutational preemption is the second component . Refutational preemption is the cognitive part of the process. It is the ability to activate one's own argument for future defense and strengthen their existing attitudes through counterarguing.
  30. true group (Shaw's defintion)
    2 or more people
  31. social facilitation
    the tendency for people to be aroused into better performance on simple tasks (or tasks at which they are expert or that have become autonomous) when under the eye of others, rather than while they are alone
  32. social inhibition
    a conscious or unconscious constraint or curtailment by a person of a process or behaviour that the person may consider objectionable in a social setting
  33. Zajonc's theory based on arousal
    mere exposure: the phenomenon that repeated exposure to a stimulus brings about an attitude change in relation to the stimulus
  34. social loafing
    tendency for people to exerpt less effort when they pool their efforts toward a common goal than when the individual is held accountable
  35. free rider
    people who benefit greatly from the group but give little in return
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Soc Psych exam 2 vocab