
  1. what is the cytoskeleton & where is it located?
    the cytoskeleton protects the cell and maintains it's shape, it is located throughout the cell
  2. what are the vesicles & where are they located?
    the vesicles transport materials into and out of the cell, they move throughout the cell
  3. what is the cell wall & where is it located?
    the cell wall is the outer layer of the plant cell It protect its body from foreign objects and absorbs nutrients,
  4. what is chloroplast & where is it located?
    chloroplast is only found in plants cells it traps energy from the sun to make glucose
  5. what is the vacuoles and where are they located?
    the vacuoles store and transport small materials throughout the cell it is located int he cytoplasm
  6. what is the cytoplasm & where is it located?
    the cytoplasm is a fluid that runs throughout all empty spaces of the cell, it is located all throughout the cell
  7. what is the golgi apparatus & where is it located?
    the golgi apparatus sorts & organises energy and goods throughout the cell, it is located near the nucleus
  8. what is the endoplasmic reticulum (E.R) & where is it located?
    the E.R transports materials made in the cell, it is connected to the nucleus
  9. what is the ribosome & where is it located?
    the ribosome produces needed material for the cell, it is located in the cytoplasm
  10. what is the mitochondria & where is it located?
    the mitochondria is the energy source for the cell, it is located in the cytoplasm
  11. what is the nucleus & where is it located?
    the nucleus controles all cell activity, it is located in the centre of the cekk
  12. what is the cell membrane & where is it located?
    a cell membrane is controls the flow of materials into & out of the cell, it is located in the external environment of the cell
Card Set
naming the parts of a cell