education test

  1. Poverty
    extent to which an individual does without resources
  2. How to determine if a family lives in poverty
    family's income < family's threshold
  3. Fraction of kids in Tarrant County that live in poverty
  4. Characteristics of Generational Poverty
    • background noise
    • relationships
    • importance of personality
    • significance of entertainment
  5. High school curriculum
    • electives
    • advanced courses
    • minimun course sequence
  6. TX HS grad requirements
    • minimum plan = 22 credits
    • recommended program/distinguished = 26 credits
  7. What is a high school student in the USA?
    • Physical Growth
    • Cognitive Stage
    • Moral Development
    • Self-Concept
    • Emotional Traits
    • Relationship to Parents and Other Adults
  8. percent of HS students that feel inadequately prepared for college/workplacec
  9. fraction of kids that don't graduate from high school in four years
  10. fraction of freshmen at four-year institutions that fail to return their sophomore year
  11. number one reason students are not prepared for college coursework
    limited interpretations of learning
  12. percent of employers that say K-12 schools are not doing a good job of preparing students for the workplace.
  13. 5 Key Elements of 21st Century Learning
    • Core subjects
    • 21st century content
    • Learning and thinking skills
    • ICT literacy
    • Life Skills
  14. Life Skills
    • Leadership
    • Ethics
    • Personal responsibility
    • People skills
    • Self-direction
    • Social responsibility
  15. Learning must be taught with
    • Rigor
    • Meaning
    • Relevance
    • Relationships
  16. Bullying
    when someone hurts or scares another person repeatedly
  17. Due Process
    Fairness should be rendered and teachers’ rights as individuals should not be violated. Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment
  18. Goldberg v. Kelly 1970
    • The opportunity to be heard at a reasonable time and place.
    • Timely and adequate notice giving details of the reason for the proposed suspension or dismissal.
    • An effective opportunity to defend oneself, including oral presentation of evidence and arguments.
    • An opportunity to confront and cross-examine witnesses.
    • The right to retain an attorney.
  19. Barr v. Bernhard 1978
    • decides when people can be held liable for personal injury.
    • With regard to school districts and community colleges, liability can be imposed ONLY when the injury arises from the NEGLIGENT USE OR OPERATION OF A MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATED BY A SCHOOL OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE WITHIN THE SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT.
  20. Cases having to do with Freedom of Expression and Free Speech
    • Connick v. Myers 1983
    • Stroman v. Colleton 1992
  21. Tinker v. Des Moines 1969
    The Supreme Court ruled that teachers and students retain their First Amendment rights as long as they do not materially and substantially disrupt classes or other school activities.
    The Supreme Court ruled that teachers and students retain their First Amendment rights as long as they do not materially and substantially disrupt classes or other school activities.
  22. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier 1988
    Administrators can censor school-sponsored expression or restrict teachers’ classroom expression based on legitimate educational concerns.
  23. Pickering v. Board of Education 1968
    A teacher can criticize the operation of a school as long as this does not interfere with the normal running of the school.
  24. Morrison v. State Board of Education (California 1969)
    A teacher’s sexual orientation is not grounds for revocation of licensure, particularly when it in no way affects the performance of professional tasks.
  25. Santa Fe ISD v. Doe 2000
    Schools cannot allow student-led prayer at extracurricular events
  26. Engel v. Vitale (1962)
    Bible reading and teacher-led prayer in schools are in violation of the First Amendment; however, private prayer and private Bible reading are protected.
  27. Abington School District v. Schempp 1963
    Reading the Bible and reciting the Lord’s Prayer in public schools are in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments; however, the Bible may be studied for historical, cultural, or other general educational purposes.
  28. Schools v. Mergens 1990
    If a public school allows a limited public forum for other extracurricular groups, the Equal Access Act indicates that extracurricular religious groups may meet in public school buildings without violating the Constitution.
  29. Plessy V. Ferguson 1896
    Separate facilities do not violate the Fourteenth Amendment so long as the facilities were equal. (legalized segregation)
  30. Brown v. Board of Education 1954
    Segregated facilities are inherently unequal.
  31. Lau v. Nichols 1974
    Required transitional bilingual education for schoolchildren who do not speak English.
  32. Plyler v. Doe 1982
    School districts could not deny education to school-age residents whose parents entered the country illegally.
  33. Tinker v. DesMoines Independent Community School District 1969
    Students have the right to symbolic protest, it that protest does not interfere with the school’s operation.
  34. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier 1988
    Because public schools are not public forums, school officials have the right not to publish student articles that may violate the sensibilities of other students.
  35. Goss v. Lopez 1975
    Schools violate students’ constitutional right to due process if they suspend students without a hearing.
  36. New Jersey v. T.L.L 1985
    Schools can search students’ lockers and other private items if there is reasonable cause.
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education test