Tactics of the Evil Spirit

  1. What is the first tactic of the Evil Spirit?
    • -Acts like a nagging woman wearing you down
    • -evil one tries to 'whip us'- so he can be in charge of us
  2. What is our response to the first tactic?
    • Be firm, bold and unyielding
    • Say NO! Mean it!
  3. What is the second tactic of the Evil Spirit?
    • -Acts like a false lover who attempts to seduce a good person
    • - Keeps things secret/ hidden
  4. What is our response to the second tactic?
    • Bring it out into the light (Light)
    • Be open
    • Tell someone
  5. What is the Third tactic of the Evil Spirit?
    - Acts like an enemy general searching to attack your weak spot
  6. What is our response to the third tactic?
    • Know your own self
    • Strengthen your weaknesses
  7. What are the Seven Deadly (Capital) Sins?
    • Greed
    • Pride (Vanity)
    • Gluttony
    • Sloth
    • Lust
    • Anger
    • Envy
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Tactics of the Evil Spirit
Chapter 2- Making Moral Decisions